
class jwst.pipeline.Coron3Pipeline(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jwst.stpipe.Pipeline

Class for defining Coron3Pipeline.

Coron3Pipeline: Apply all level-3 calibration steps to a coronagraphic association of exposures. Included steps are:

  1. stack_refs (assemble reference PSF inputs)
  2. align_refs (align reference PSFs to target images)
  3. klip (PSF subtraction using the KLIP algorithm)
  4. outlier_detection (flag outliers)
  5. resample (image combination and resampling)

See Step.__init__ for the parameters.

Attributes Summary


Methods Summary

process(input) Primary method for performing pipeline.

Attributes Documentation

spec = "\n suffix = string(default='i2d')\n "
step_defs = {'align_refs': <class 'jwst.coron.align_refs_step.AlignRefsStep'>, 'klip': <class 'jwst.coron.klip_step.KlipStep'>, 'outlier_detection': <class 'jwst.outlier_detection.outlier_detection_step.OutlierDetectionStep'>, 'resample': <class 'jwst.resample.resample_step.ResampleStep'>, 'stack_refs': <class 'jwst.coron.stack_refs_step.StackRefsStep'>}

Methods Documentation


Primary method for performing pipeline.