
jwst.transforms Package


rot_mat3D(angle, axis)


AngleFromGratingEquation(groove_density, …) Solve the 3D Grating Dispersion Law for the refracted angle.
WavelengthFromGratingEquation(…) Solve the 3D Grating Dispersion Law for the wavelength.
Unitless2DirCos(*args[, meta, name]) Transform a vector to directional cosines.
DirCos2Unitless(*args[, meta, name]) Transform directional cosines to vector.
Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order[, name]) Perform a 3D rotation given an angle in degrees.
Gwa2Slit(slits, models) NIRSpec GWA to slit transform.
Slit2Msa(slits, models) NIRSpec slit to MSA transform.
Snell(angle, kcoef, lcoef, tcoef, tref, …) Apply transforms, including Snell law, through the NIRSpec prism.
Logical(condition, compareto, value, **kwargs) Substitute values in an array where the condition is evaluated to True.
NirissSOSSModel(spectral_orders, models) NIRISS SOSS wavelength solution implemented as a Model.
V23ToSky(angles, axes_order[, name]) Transform from V2V3 to a standard coordinate system (ICRS).
Slit(name, shutter_id, xcen, ycen, ymin, …) Nirspec Slit structure definition
NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order.
NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order.
NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) Return the valid pixel(s) and wavelengths given center x,y and lam
MIRI_AB2Slice([beta_zero, beta_del, channel]) MIRI MRS alpha, beta to slice transform
GrismObject Grism Objects identified from a direct image catalog and segment map.
NIRISSForwardRowGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels.
NIRISSForwardColumnGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels.
NIRISSBackwardGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels.
V2V3ToIdeal(v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity) Performs the transform from telescope V2,V3 to Ideal coordinate system.
IdealToV2V3(v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity) Performs the transform from Ideal to telescope V2,V3 coordinate system.
IncompatibleCorrections An exception class used to report cases when two or more tangent plane corrections cannot be combined into a single one.
TPCorr([v2ref, v3ref, roll, matrix, shift]) Apply V2ref, V3ref, and roll to input angles and project the point from the tangent plane onto a celestial sphere.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of jwst.transforms.models.AngleFromGratingEquation, jwst.transforms.models.WavelengthFromGratingEquation, jwst.transforms.models.Unitless2DirCos, jwst.transforms.models.DirCos2Unitless, jwst.transforms.models.Rotation3DToGWA, jwst.transforms.models.Gwa2Slit, jwst.transforms.models.Slit2Msa, jwst.transforms.models.Snell, jwst.transforms.models.Logical, jwst.transforms.models.NirissSOSSModel, jwst.transforms.models.V23ToSky, jwst.transforms.models.Slit, jwst.transforms.models.NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.MIRI_AB2Slice, jwst.transforms.models.GrismObject, jwst.transforms.models.NIRISSForwardRowGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRISSForwardColumnGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRISSBackwardGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.V2V3ToIdeal, jwst.transforms.models.IdealToV2V3, jwst.transforms.tpcorr.IncompatibleCorrections, jwst.transforms.tpcorr.TPCorr

jwst.transforms.models Module

Models used by the JWST pipeline.

The models are written using the astropy.modeling framework. Since they are specific to JWST, the models and their ASDF schemas are kept here separately from astropy. An ASDF extension for this package is registered with ASDF through entry points.


AngleFromGratingEquation(groove_density, …) Solve the 3D Grating Dispersion Law for the refracted angle.
WavelengthFromGratingEquation(…) Solve the 3D Grating Dispersion Law for the wavelength.
Unitless2DirCos(*args[, meta, name]) Transform a vector to directional cosines.
DirCos2Unitless(*args[, meta, name]) Transform directional cosines to vector.
Rotation3DToGWA(angles, axes_order[, name]) Perform a 3D rotation given an angle in degrees.
Gwa2Slit(slits, models) NIRSpec GWA to slit transform.
Slit2Msa(slits, models) NIRSpec slit to MSA transform.
Snell(angle, kcoef, lcoef, tcoef, tref, …) Apply transforms, including Snell law, through the NIRSpec prism.
Logical(condition, compareto, value, **kwargs) Substitute values in an array where the condition is evaluated to True.
NirissSOSSModel(spectral_orders, models) NIRISS SOSS wavelength solution implemented as a Model.
V23ToSky(angles, axes_order[, name]) Transform from V2V3 to a standard coordinate system (ICRS).
Slit(name, shutter_id, xcen, ycen, ymin, …) Nirspec Slit structure definition
NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order.
NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order.
NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) Return the valid pixel(s) and wavelengths given center x,y and lam
MIRI_AB2Slice([beta_zero, beta_del, channel]) MIRI MRS alpha, beta to slice transform
GrismObject Grism Objects identified from a direct image catalog and segment map.
NIRISSForwardRowGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels.
NIRISSForwardColumnGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels.
NIRISSBackwardGrismDispersion(orders[, …]) This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels.
V2V3ToIdeal(v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity) Performs the transform from telescope V2,V3 to Ideal coordinate system.
IdealToV2V3(v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity) Performs the transform from Ideal to telescope V2,V3 coordinate system.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of jwst.transforms.models.AngleFromGratingEquation, jwst.transforms.models.WavelengthFromGratingEquation, jwst.transforms.models.Unitless2DirCos, jwst.transforms.models.DirCos2Unitless, jwst.transforms.models.Rotation3DToGWA, jwst.transforms.models.Gwa2Slit, jwst.transforms.models.Slit2Msa, jwst.transforms.models.Snell, jwst.transforms.models.Logical, jwst.transforms.models.NirissSOSSModel, jwst.transforms.models.V23ToSky, jwst.transforms.models.Slit, jwst.transforms.models.NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.MIRI_AB2Slice, jwst.transforms.models.GrismObject, jwst.transforms.models.NIRISSForwardRowGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRISSForwardColumnGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.NIRISSBackwardGrismDispersion, jwst.transforms.models.V2V3ToIdeal, jwst.transforms.models.IdealToV2V3