Source code for jwst.pipeline.calwebb_coron3

#!/usr/bin/env python
import os.path as op

from ..stpipe import Pipeline
from .. import datamodels
from ..model_blender import blendmeta

# step imports
from ..coron import stack_refs_step
from ..coron import align_refs_step
from ..coron import klip_step
from ..outlier_detection import outlier_detection_step
from ..resample import resample_step

__all__ = ['Coron3Pipeline']

[docs]class Coron3Pipeline(Pipeline): """Class for defining Coron3Pipeline. Coron3Pipeline: Apply all level-3 calibration steps to a coronagraphic association of exposures. Included steps are: #. stack_refs (assemble reference PSF inputs) #. align_refs (align reference PSFs to target images) #. klip (PSF subtraction using the KLIP algorithm) #. outlier_detection (flag outliers) #. resample (image combination and resampling) """ spec = """ suffix = string(default='i2d') """ # Define aliases to steps step_defs = { 'stack_refs': stack_refs_step.StackRefsStep, 'align_refs': align_refs_step.AlignRefsStep, 'klip': klip_step.KlipStep, 'outlier_detection': outlier_detection_step.OutlierDetectionStep, 'resample': resample_step.ResampleStep }
[docs] def process(self, input): """Primary method for performing pipeline."""'Starting calwebb_coron3 ...') # Load the input association table asn = self.load_as_level3_asn(input) acid = asn.get('asn_id', '') # We assume there's one final product defined by the association prod = asn['products'][0] self.output_file = prod.get('name', self.output_file) # Construct lists of all the PSF and science target members psf_files = [m['expname'] for m in prod['members'] if m['exptype'].upper() == 'PSF'] targ_files = [m['expname'] for m in prod['members'] if m['exptype'].upper() == 'SCIENCE'] # Make sure we found some PSF and target members if len(psf_files) == 0: err_str1 = 'No reference PSF members found in association table.' self.log.error(err_str1) self.log.error('Calwebb_coron3 processing will be aborted') return if len(targ_files) == 0: err_str1 = 'No science target members found in association table' self.log.error(err_str1) self.log.error('Calwebb_coron3 processing will be aborted') return # Assemble all the input psf files into a single ModelContainer psf_models = datamodels.ModelContainer() for i in range(len(psf_files)): psf_input = datamodels.CubeModel(psf_files[i]) psf_models.append(psf_input) psf_input.close() # Stack all the PSF images into a single CubeModel psf_stack = self.stack_refs(psf_models) psf_models.close() # Save the resulting PSF stack self.save_model(psf_stack, suffix='psfstack') # Call the sequence of steps align_refs, klip, and outlier_detection # once for each input target exposure resample_input = datamodels.ModelContainer() for target_file in targ_files: # Call align_refs self.log.debug('Calling align_refs for member %s', target_file) psf_aligned = self.align_refs(target_file, psf_stack) # Save the alignment results self.save_model( psf_aligned, output_file=target_file, suffix='psfalign', acid=acid ) # Call KLIP self.log.debug('Calling klip for member %s', target_file) psf_sub = self.klip(target_file, psf_aligned) psf_aligned.close() # Save the psf subtraction results self.save_model( psf_sub, output_file=target_file, suffix='psfsub', acid=acid ) # Create a ModelContainer of the psf_sub results to send to # outlier_detection self.log.debug('Building ModelContainer of klip results') target_models = datamodels.ModelContainer() for i in range([0]): image = datamodels.ImageModel([i], err=psf_sub.err[i], dq=psf_sub.dq[i]) image.update(psf_sub) image.meta.wcs = psf_sub.meta.wcs target_models.append(image) # Call outlier_detection target_models = self.outlier_detection(target_models) # Create Level 2c products if target_models[0].meta.cal_step.outlier_detection == 'COMPLETE': err_str1 = "Creating Level 2c output with updated DQ arrays..." lev2c_model = psf_sub.copy() # Replace Level 2b product DQ array with Level 2c DQ array for i in range(len(target_models)): lev2c_model.dq[i] = target_models[i].dq lev2c_model.meta.cal_step.outlier_detection = 'COMPLETE' self.save_model(lev2c_model, output_file=target_file, suffix='crfints', acid=acid) # Append results from this target exposure to resample input model for i in range(len(target_models)): resample_input.append(target_models[i]) # Call the resample step to combine all psf-subtracted target images result = self.resample(resample_input) if result == resample_input: # Resampling was skipped, # yet we need to return a DrizProductModel, so... warn1 = 'Creating fake resample results until step is available' self.log.warning(warn1) result = datamodels.DrizProductModel(data=resample_input[0].data, con=resample_input[0].dq, wht=resample_input[0].err) result.update(resample_input[0]) # The resample step blends headers already... self.log.debug('Blending metadata for {}'.format( result.meta.filename)) blendmeta.blendmodels(result, inputs=targ_files) result.meta.asn.pool_name = asn['asn_pool'] result.meta.asn.table_name = op.basename(input) # Save the final result self.save_model(result, suffix=self.suffix) # We're done'...ending calwebb_coron3') return