Pipeline Modules

The pipelines that call individual correction steps in various orders are defined as python classes within python code modules. The pipelines can be executed by referencing their class name or through the use of a configuration (.cfg) file that in turn references the class. The table below shows the pipeline classes that are currently available, the corresponding pre-defined configurations that make use of those classes, and the instrument modes to which they can be applied.

Class Name Configuration File Used For
Detector1Pipeline calwebb_detector1.cfg Stage 1: all non-TSO modes
Detector1Pipeline calwebb_tso1.cfg Stage 1: all TSO modes
DarkPipeline calwebb_dark.cfg Stage 1: darks
GuiderPipeline calwebb_guider.cfg Stage 1+2: FGS guiding modes
Image2Pipeline calwebb_image2.cfg Stage 2: imaging modes
Spec2Pipeline calwebb_spec2.cfg Stage 2: spectroscopy modes
Image3Pipeline calwebb_image3.cfg Stage 3: imaging modes
Spec3Pipeline calwebb_spec3.cfg Stage 3: spectroscopy modes
Ami3Pipeline calwebb_ami3.cfg Stage 3: NIRISS AMI mode
Coron3Pipeline calwebb_coron3.cfg Stage 3: Coronagraphic mode
TSO3Pipeline calwebb_tso3.cfg Stage 3: Time Series mode

The data from different observing modes needs to be processed with different combinations of the pipeline stages listed above. Observing modes are usually identifiable via the value of the EXP_TYPE keyword in the data product. The following table lists the pipeline modules that get applied to each EXP_TYPE instance.

Stage 1 Pipeline Stage 2 Pipeline Stage 3 Pipeline
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_image3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 N/A
calwebb_dark1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_image3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_spec3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_spec3
calwebb_tso1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_tso3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_coron3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 N/A
calwebb_dark1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_image3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_coron3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_spec3
calwebb_tso1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_tso3
calwebb_tso1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_tso3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 N/A
calwebb_dark1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_image3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_spec3
calwebb_tso1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_tso3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 calwebb_ami3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 N/A
calwebb_dark1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_spec3
calwebb_tso1 calwebb_spec2 calwebb_tso3
calwebb_detector1 calwebb_image2 N/A
calwebb_dark1 N/A N/A
calwebb_detector1 N/A N/A

Input Files, Output Files and Data Models

An important concept used throughout the JWST pipeline is the Data Model. Nearly all data used by any of the pipeline code is encapsulated in a data model. Most input is read into a data model and all output is produced by a data model. When possible, this document will indicate the data model associated with a file type, usually as a parenthetical link to the data model in question. For some steps, the output file may represent different data models depending on the input to those steps. As a result, the data models listed here will not be an exhaustive list.

Stage 1 Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_detector1)

Stage 1 processing applies basic detector-level corrections to all exposure types (imaging, spectroscopic, coronagraphic, etc.). It is applied to one exposure at a time. The pipeline module for stage 1 processing is calwebb_detector1 (the equivalent pipeline class is Detector1Pipeline). It is often referred to as ramps-to-slopes processing, because the input raw data are in the form of one or more ramps (integrations) containing accumulating counts from the non-destructive detector readouts and the output is a corrected countrate (slope) image. The list of steps applied by the Build 7.1 calwebb_detector1 pipeline is as follows.

calwebb_detector1 calwebb_detector1
(All Near-IR) (MIRI)
group_scale group_scale
dq_init dq_init
saturation saturation
ipc ipc
superbias linearity
refpix rscd
linearity lastframe
persistence dark_current
dark_current refpix
jump jump
ramp_fit ramp_fit
gain_scale gain_scale

If the calwebb_tso1.cfg configuration file is used to execute this pipeline, the ipc, lastframe, and persistence steps will be skipped.


  • Raw 4D product: The input to calwebb_detector1 is a single raw exposure file, e.g. jw80600012001_02101_00003_mirimage_uncal.fits, which contains the original raw data from all of the detector readouts in the exposure (ncols x nrows x ngroups x nintegrations).


  • 2D Countrate product: All types of inputs result in a 2D countrate product, resulting from averaging over all of the integrations within the exposure. The output file will be of type _rate, e.g. jw80600012001_02101_00003_mirimage_rate.fits.
  • 3D Countrate product: If the input exposure contains more than one integration (NINTS>1), a 3D countrate product is created that contains the individual results of each integration. The 2D countrate images for each integration are stacked along the 3rd axis of the data cubes (ncols x nrows x nints). This output file will be of type _rateints.


The calwebb_detector1 pipeline has one optional argument:

  • save_calibrated_ramp

which is a boolean argument with a default value of False. If the user sets it to True, the pipeline will save intermediate data to a file as it exists at the end of the jump step (just before ramp fitting). The data at this stage of the pipeline are still in the form of the original 4D ramps (ncols x nrows x ngroups x nints) and have had all of the detector-level correction steps applied to it, including the detection and flagging of Cosmic-Ray hits within each ramp (integration). If created, the name of the intermediate file will be constructed from the root name of the input file, with the new product type suffix _ramp appended (e.g. jw80600012001_02101_00003_mirimage_ramp.fits).

Dark Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_dark)

The stage 1 dark (calwebb_dark) processing pipeline is intended for use with dark exposures. It applies all of the same detector-level correction steps as the calwebb_detector1 pipeline, but stops just before the application of the dark_current step.


  • Raw 4D Dark product: The input to calwebb_dark is a single raw dark exposure.


  • 4D Corrected product: The output is a 4D (ncols x nrows x ngroups x nints) product that has had all corrections up to, but not including, the dark_current step, with a product file type of _dark.


The calwebb_dark pipeline does not have any optional arguments.

Guider Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_guider)

The guider (calwebb_guider) processing pipeline is only for use with FGS guiding mode exposures (ID, ACQ1, ACQ2, TRACK, and FineGuide). It applies three detector-level correction and calibration steps to uncalibrated guider data files, as listed in the table below.



  • Raw 4D guide-mode product: The input to calwebb_guider is a single raw guide-mode data file.


  • 3D Calibrated product: The output is a 3D (ncols x nrows x nints) countrate product that has been flat-fielded and has bad pixels flagged. See the documentation for the guider_cds step for details on the conversion from raw readouts to countrate images.


The calwebb_guider pipeline does not have any optional arguments.

Stage 2 Imaging Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_image2)

Stage 2 imaging (calwebb_image2) processing applies additonal corrections that result in a fully calibrated individual exposure. The list of correction steps applied by the calwebb_image2 imaging pipeline is as follows.



  • 2D or 3D Countrate product: The input to the calwebb_image2 pipeline is a countrate exposure, in the form of either _rate or _rateints files. A single input file can be processed or an ASN file listing multiple inputs can be used, in which case the processing steps will be applied to each input exposure, one at a time. If _rateints products are used as input, the steps in the pipeline are applied individually to each integration in an exposure, where appropriate.


  • 2D or 3D Calibrated product: The output is a calibrated exposure, using the product type suffix _cal or _calints, depending on the type of input (e.g. jw80600012001_02101_00003_mirimage_cal.fits).


The calwebb_image2 pipeline has one optional argument save_bsub, which is set to False by default. If set to True, the results of the background subtraction step will be saved to an intermediate file, using a product type of _bsub or _bsubints (depending on the type of input).

Stage 2 Spectroscopic Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_spec2)

Stage 2 spectroscopic (calwebb_spec2) pipeline applies additional corrections to countrate products that result in fully calibrated individual exposures. The list of correction steps is shown below. Some steps are only applied to certain instruments or instrument modes, as noted in the table.

Instrument Mode NIRSpec MIRI NIRISS NIRCam
assign_wcs X X X X X X X X X
background X X X X X X X X X
imprint   X X            
msaflagopen   X X            
extract_2d1 X X           X X
flat_field1 X X X X X X X X X
srctype X X X X X X X X X
straylight           X      
fringe           X      
pathloss X X X            
barshadow   X              
photom X X X X X X X X X
resample_spec X X              
cube_build     X     X      
extract_1d X X X X X X X X X

1Note that the order of the extract_2d and flat_field steps is reversed (flat_field is performed first) for NIRISS and NIRCam WFSS exposures.

The resample_spec step produces a resampled/rectified product for non-IFU modes of some spectroscopic exposures. If the resample_spec step is not applied to a given exposure, the extract_1d operation will be performed on the original (unresampled) data. The cube_build step produces a resampled/rectified cube for IFU exposures, which is then used as input to the extract_1d step.


The input to the calwebb_spec2 pipeline can be either a single countrate (_rate or _rateints) exposure or an Association (ASN) file listing multiple exposures. The background subtraction (bkg_subtract) and imprint subtraction (imprint_subtract) steps can only be executed when the pipeline is supplied with an association of exposures, because they rely on multiple exposures to perform their tasks. The ASN file must not only list the input exposures, but must also contain information that indicates their relationships to one another.

The background subtraction step can be applied to an assocation containing nodded exposures, such as for MIRI LRS fixed-slit, NIRSpec fixed-slit, and NIRSpec MSA observations, or an association that contains dedicated exposures of a background target. The step will accomplish background subtraction by doing direct subtraction of nodded exposures from one another or by direct subtraction of dedicated background expsoures from the science target exposures.

Background subtraction for Wide-Field Slitless Spectroscopy (WFSS) exposures is accomplished by scaling and subtracting a master background image from a CRDS reference file.

The imprint subtraction step, which is only applied to NIRSpec MSA and IFU exposures, also requires the use of an ASN file, in order to specify which of the inputs is to be used as the imprint exposure. The imprint exposure will be subtracted from all other exposures in the association.

If a single countrate product is used as input, the background subtraction and imprint subtraction steps will be skipped and only the remaining regular calibration steps will be applied to the input exposure.


Two or three different types of outputs are created by calwebb_spec2.

  • Calibrated product: All types of inputs result in a fully-calibrated product at the end of the photom step, which uses the _cal or _calints product type suffix, depending on whether the input was a _rate or _rateints product, respectively.
  • Resampled 2D product: If the input is a 2D exposure type that gets resampled/rectified by the resample_spec step, the rectified 2D spectral product created by the resample_spec step is saved as a _s2d file. 3D (_rateints) input exposures do not get resampled.
  • Resampled 3D product: If the data are NIRSpec IFU or MIRI MRS, the result of the cube_build step will be saved as a _s3d file.
  • 1D Extracted Spectrum product: All types of inputs result in a 1D extracted spectral data product, which is saved as a _x1d or _x1dints file, depending on the input type.

If the input to calwebb_spec2 is an ASN file, these products are created for each input exposure.


The calwebb_spec2 pipeline has one optional argument:

  • save_bsub

which is a Boolean argument with a default value of False. If the user sets it to True, the results of the background subtraction step (if applied) are saved to an intermediate file of type _bsub or _bsubints, as appropriate.

Stage 3 Imaging Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_image3)

Stage 3 processing for imaging observations is intended for combining the calibrated data from multiple exposures (e.g. a dither or mosaic pattern) into a single rectified (distortion corrected) product. Before being combined, the exposures receive additional corrections for the purpose of astrometric alignment, background matching, and outlier rejection. The steps applied by the calwebb_image3 pipeline are shown below.



  • Associated 2D Calibrated products: The inputs to calwebb_image3 will usually be in the form of an ASN file that lists multiple exposures to be processed and combined into a single output product. The individual exposures should be calibrated (_cal) products from calwebb_image2 processing.
  • Single 2D Calibrated product: It is also possible use a single _cal file as input to calwebb_image3, in which case only the resample and source_catalog steps will be applied.


  • Resampled 2D Image product (DrizProductModel): A resampled/rectified 2D image product of type _i2d is created containing the rectified single exposure or the rectified and combined association of exposures, which is the direct output of the resample step.
  • Source catalog: A source catalog produced from the _i2d product is saved as an ASCII file in ecsv format, with a product type of _cat.
  • CR-flagged products: If the outlier_detection step is applied, a new version of each input calibrated exposure product is created, which contains a DQ array that has been updated to flag pixels detected as outliers. This updated product is known as a CR-flagged product and the file is identified by including the association candidate ID in the original input _cal file name and changing the product type to _crf, e.g. jw96090001001_03101_00001_nrca2_o001_crf.fits.

Stage 3 Spectroscopic Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_spec3)

Stage 3 processing for spectroscopic observations is intended for combining the calibrated data from multiple exposures (e.g. a dither pattern) into a single rectified (distortion corrected) product and a combined 1D spectrum. Before being combined, the exposures may receive additional corrections for the purpose of background matching and outlier rejection. The steps applied by the calwebb_spec3 pipeline are shown below.

Instrument Mode NIRSpec MIRI NIRISS NIRCam
mrs_imatch         X    
outlier_detection X X X X X X X
resample_spec X X   X   X X
cube_build     X   X    
extract_1d X X X X X X X

NOTE: In B7.1 the calwebb_spec3 pipeline is very much a prototype and not all steps are functioning properly for all modes. In particular, the outlier_detection step does not yet work well, if at all, for any of the spectroscopic modes. Also, the resample_spec step does not work for dithered slit-like spectra (i.e. all non-IFU modes). Processing of NIRSpec IFU and MIRI MRS exposures does work, using the mrs_imatch, cube_build, and extract_1d steps.


  • Associated 2D Calibrated products: The inputs to calwebb_spec3 will usually be in the form of an ASN file that lists multiple exposures to be processed and combined into a single output product. The individual exposures should be calibrated (_cal) products from calwebb_spec2 processing.


  • CR-flagged products: If the outlier_detection step is applied, a new version of each input calibrated exposure product is created, which contains a DQ array that has been updated to flag pixels detected as outliers. This updated product is known as a CR-flagged product and the file is identified by including the association candidate ID in the original input _cal file name and changing the product type to _crf, e.g. jw96090001001_03101_00001_nrs2_o001_crf.fits.
  • Resampled 2D spectral product (DrizProductModel): A resampled/rectified 2D product of type _s2d is created containing the rectified and combined association of exposures, which is the direct output of the resample_spec step, when processing non-IFU modes.
  • Resampled 3D spectral product (IFUCubeModel): A resampled/rectified 3D product of type _s3d is created containing the rectified and combined association of exposures, which is the direct output of the cube_build step, when processing IFU modes.
  • 1D Extracted Spectrum product: All types of inputs result in a 1D extracted spectral data product, which is saved as a _x1d file, and is the result of performing 1D extraction on the combined _s2d or _s3d product.

Stage 3 Aperture Masking Interferometry (AMI) Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_ami3)

The stage 3 AMI (calwebb_ami3) pipeline is to be applied to associations of calibrated NIRISS AMI exposures and is used to compute fringe parameters and correct science target fringe parameters using observations of reference targets. The steps applied by the calwebb_ami3 pipeline are shown below.



  • Associated 2D Calibrated products: The inputs to calwebb_ami3 need to be in the form of an ASN file that lists multiple science target exposures, and optionally reference target exposures as well. The individual exposures should be in the form of calibrated (_cal) products from calwebb_image2 processing.


  • AMI product (AmiLgModel): For every input exposure, the fringe parameters and closure phases caculated by the ami_analyze step are saved to an _ami product file, which is a table containing the fringe parameters and closure phases. Product names use the original input _cal file name, with the association candidate ID included and the product type changed to _ami, e.g. jw93210001001_03101_00001_nis_a0003_ami.fits.
  • Averaged AMI product (AmiLgModel): The AMI results averaged over all science or reference exposures, calculated by the ami_average step, are saved to an _amiavg product file. Separate products are created for the science target and reference target data. Note that these output products are only created if the pipeline argument save_averages (see below) is set to True.
  • Normalized AMI product (AmiLgModel): If reference target exposures are included in the input ASN, the averaged AMI results for the science target will be normalized by the averaged AMI results for the reference target, via the ami_normalize step, and will be saved to an _aminorm product file.


The calwebb_ami3 pipeline has one optional argument:

  • save_averages

which is a Boolean parameter set to a default value of False. If the user sets this agument to True, the results of the ami_average step will be saved, as described above.

Stage 3 Coronagraphic Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_coron3)

The stage 3 coronagraphic (calwebb_coron3) pipeline is to be applied to associations of calibrated NIRCam coronagraphic and MIRI Lyot and 4QPM exposures, and is used to produce psf-subtracted, resampled, combined images of the source object.

The steps applied by the calwebb_coron3 pipeline are shown in the table below.



  • Associated Calibrated products: The input to calwebb_coron3 is assumed to be in the form of an ASN file that lists multiple observations of a science target and, optionally, a reference PSF target. The individual science target and PSF reference exposures should be in the form of 3D calibrated (_calints) products from calwebb_image2 processing.


  • Stacked PSF images: The data from each input PSF reference exposure are concatenated into a single combined 3D stack, for use by subsequent steps. The stacked PSF data gets written to disk in the form of a psfstack (_psfstack) product from stack_refs step.
  • Aligned PSF images: The initial processing requires aligning all input PSFs specified in the ASN. The aligned PSF images then gets written to disk in the form of psfalign (_psfalign) products from align_refs step.
  • PSF-subtracted exposures: The klip step takes the aligned PSF images and applies them to each of the science exposures in the ASN to create psfsub (_psfsub) products.
  • CR-flagged products: The OutlierDetectionStep step is applied to the psfsub products to flag pixels in the DQ array that have been detected as outliers. This updated product is known as a CR-flagged product. A outlier-flagged product of type _crfints is created and can optionally get written to disk.
  • Resampled product: The resample step is applied to the CR-flagged products to create a single resampled, combined product for the science target. This resampled product of type _i2d gets written to disk and returned as the final product from this pipeline.

Stage 3 Time-Series Observation(TSO) Pipeline Step Flow (calwebb_tso3)

The stage 3 TSO (calwebb_tso3) pipeline is to be applied to associations of calibrated TSO exposures (NIRCam TS imaging, NIRCam TS grism, NIRISS SOSS, NIRSpec BrightObj, MIRI LRS Slitless) and is used to produce calibrated time-series photometry of the source object.

The steps applied by the calwebb_tso3 pipeline for an Imaging TSO observation are shown below:


The steps applied by the calwebb_tso3 pipeline for a Spectroscopic TSO observation are shown below:



  • Associated 3D Calibrated products: The input to calwebb_tso3 is assumed to be in the form of an ASN file that lists multiple science observations of a science target. The individual exposures should be in the form of 3D calibrated (_calints) products from either calwebb_image2 or calwebb_spec2 processing.


  • CR-flagged products: If the OutlierDetectionStep step is applied, a new version of each input calibrated exposure product is created, which contains a DQ array that has been updated to flag pixels detected as outliers. This update product is known as a CR-flagged product. A outlier-flagged product of type _crfints is created and can optionally get written to disk.
  • Source photometry catalog for imaging TS observations: A source catalog produced from the _crfints product is saved as an ASCII file in ecsv format with a product type of _phot.
  • Extracted 1D spectra for spectroscopic TS observations: The extract_1d step is applied to create a MultiSpecModel for the entire set of spectra, with a product type of _x1dints.
  • White-light photometry for spectroscopic TS observations: The white_light step is applied to the _x1dints extracted data to produce an ASCII catalog in ecsv format with a product type of _whtlt, containing the wavelength-integrated white-light photometry of the source object.