
class jwst.transforms.models.GrismObject[source]

Bases: jwst.transforms.models.GrismObject

Grism Objects identified from a direct image catalog and segment map.


The object bounding box is computed from the segementation map, using the min and max wavelegnth for each of the orders that are available. The order_bounding member is a dictionary of bounding boxes for the object keyed by order

ra and dec are the sky ra and dec of the center of the object as measured from the non-dispersed image.

the segment_[ra/dec][min/max] are also as measured on the direct image

order_bounding is stored as a lookup dictionary per order and contains the object x,y bounding location on the grism image GrismObject(order_bounding={“+1”:((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax)),”+2”:((2,3),(2,3))})

sky_bbox_?? contains the ra,dec,frame information for the bbox from the catalog