
class jwst.transforms.models.NirissSOSSModel(spectral_orders, models)[source]

Bases: astropy.modeling.core.Model

NIRISS SOSS wavelength solution implemented as a Model.

  • spectral_orders (list of int) – Spectral orders for which there is a wavelength solution.
  • models (list of Model) – A list of transforms representing the wavelength solution for each order in spectral orders. It should match the order in spectral_orders.

Attributes Summary

inputs x and y pixel coordinates and spectral order
outputs RA and DEC coordinates and wavelength

Methods Summary

__call__(x, y, spectral_order[, …]) Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.
evaluate(x, y, spectral_order) Evaluate the model on some input variables.

Attributes Documentation

inputs = ('x', 'y', 'spectral_order')

x and y pixel coordinates and spectral order

outputs = ('ra', 'dec', 'lam')

RA and DEC coordinates and wavelength

Methods Documentation

__call__(x, y, spectral_order, model_set_axis=None, with_bounding_box=False, fill_value=nan, equivalencies=None)

Evaluate this model using the given input(s) and the parameter values that were specified when the model was instantiated.

evaluate(x, y, spectral_order)[source]

Evaluate the model on some input variables.
