Python Step Design: OutlierDetectionStep

This module provides the sole interface to all methods of performing outlier detection on JWST observations. The OutlierDetectionStep supports multiple algorithms and determines the appropriate algorithm for the type of observation being processed. This step supports:

  • Image modes: ‘NRC_IMAGE’, ‘MIR_IMAGE’, ‘NIS_IMAGE’, ‘FGS_IMAGE’
  • Time-Series-Observation(TSO) Spectroscopic modes: ‘NIS_SOSS’, ‘MIR_LRS-SLITLESS’, ‘NRC_TSGRISM’, ‘NRS_BRIGHTOBJ’
  • IFU Spectroscopic modes: ‘NRS_IFU’, ‘MIR_MRS’
  • TSO Image modes:’NRC_TSIMAGE’
  • Coronagraphic Image modes: ‘NRC_CORON’, ‘MIR_LYOT’, ‘MIR_4QPM’

This step uses the following logic to apply the appropriate algorithm to the input data:

jwst.outlier_detection.outlier_detection_step Module

Public common step definition for OutlierDetection processing.


OutlierDetectionStep([name, parent, …]) Flag outlier bad pixels and cosmic rays in DQ array of each input image.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of jwst.outlier_detection.outlier_detection_step.OutlierDetectionStep