Default OutlierDetection Algorithm

This module serves as the interface for applying outlier_detection to direct image observations, like those taken with NIRCam. The code implements the basic outlier detection algorithm used with HST data, as adapted to JWST.

Specifically, this routine performs the following operations:

  • Extract parameter settings from input model and merge them with any user-provided values. The full set of user parameters includes:

    wht_type: type of data weighting to use during resampling;
              options are 'exptime','error','None' [default='exptime']
    pixfrac: pixel fraction used during resampling;
             valid values go from 0.0-1.0 [default=1.0]
    kernel: name of resampling kernel; options are 'square', 'turbo', 'point',
            'lanczos', 'tophat' [default='square']
    fillval: value to use to replace missing data when resampling;
              any floating point value (as a string) is valid (default='INDEF')
    nlow: Number (as an integer) of low values in each pixel stack to ignore
          when computing median value [default=0]
    nhigh:  Number (as an integer) of high values in each pixel stack to ignore
          when computing median value [default=0]
    maskpt: Percent of maximum weight to use as lower-limit for valid data;
            valid values go from 0.0-1.0 [default=0.7]
    grow: Radius (in pixels) from bad-pixel for neighbor rejection [default=1]
    snr: Signal-to-noise values to use for bad-pixel identification; valid
         values are a pair of floating-point values in a single string
         [default='4.0 3.0']
    scale: Scaling factor applied to derivative used to identify bad-pixels;
           valid value is a string with 2 floating point values [default='0.5 0.4')]
    backg: user-specified background value to apply to median image;
    save_intermediate_results: specifies whether or not to save any products
                                created during outlier_detection [default=False]
    resample_data: specifies whether or not to resample the input data [default=True]
    good_bits: List of DQ integer values which should be considered good when
               creating weight and median images [default=0]
  • Convert input data, as needed, to make sure it is in a format that can be processed

    • A ModelContainer serves as the basic format for all processing performed by this step, as each entry will be treated as an element of a stack of images to be processed to identify bad-pixels/cosmic-rays and other artifacts.
    • If the input data is a CubeModel, convert it into a ModelContainer. This allows each plane of the cube to be treated as a separate 2D image for resampling (if done at all) and for combining into a median image.
  • By default, resample all input images into grouped observation mosaics; for example, combining all NIRCam multiple detector images from a single exposure or from a dithered set of exposures.

    • Resampled images will be written out to disk if save_intermediate_results parameter has been set to True
    • If resampling was turned off, a copy of the input (as a ModelContainer) will be used for subsequent processing.
  • Create a median image from all grouped observation mosaics.

    • The median image will be created by combining all grouped mosaic images or non-resampled input data (as planes in a ModelContainer) pixel-by-pixel.
    • Median image will be written out to disk if save_intermediate_results parameter has been set to True.
  • By default, the median image will be blotted back (inverse of resampling) to match each original input exposure.

    • Resampled/blotted images will be written out to disk if save_intermediate_results parameter has been set to True
    • If resampling was turned off, the median image will be compared directly to each input image.
  • Perform statistical comparison between blotted image and original image to identify outliers.

  • Update input data model DQ arrays with mask of detected outliers.

Outlier Detection for TSO data

Time-series observations (TSO) data results in input data stored as a CubeModel where each plane in the cube represents a separate readout without changing the pointing. Normal imaging data would benefit from combining all readouts into a single, however, TSO data’s value comes from looking for variations from one readout to the next. The outlier_detection algorithm, therefore, gets run with a few variations to accomodate the nature of the data.

  • Input data is converted from a CubeModel (3D data array) to a ModelContainer
    • Each model in the ModelContainer is a separate plane from the input CubeModel
  • The median image is created without resampling the input data
    • All readouts are aligned already, so no resampling needs to be performed
  • A matched median gets created by combining the single median frame with the noise model for each input readout.
  • Perform statistical comparison between the matched median with each input readout.
  • Update input data model DQ arrays with the mask of detected outliers


This same set of steps also gets used to perform outlier detection on coronographic data.

Outlier Detection for IFU data

Integral-field unit (IFU) data gets readout as a 2D array. This 2D image then gets converted into a properly calibrated spectral cube (3D array) and stored as an IFUCubeModel for outlier detection. The many differences in data format for the IFU data relative to normal direct imaging data requires special processing in order to perform outlier detection in the IFU data.

  • Convert the input IFUImageModel into a CubeModel using CubeBuildStep
    • A separate CubeModel will be generated for each channel using the single option for the CubeBuildStep.
  • All input CubeModels then get median combined to create a single median IFUCubeModel product.
  • The IFUCubeModel median product then gets resampled back to match each original input IFUImageModel dataset.
    • This resampling uses CubeBlot to perform this conversion.
  • The blotted, median data then gets compared statistically to the original input data to detect outliers.
  • The DQ array of each input dataset then gets updated to document the detected outliers.

jwst.outlier_detection.outlier_detection Module

Primary code for performing outlier detection on JWST observations.


flag_cr(sci_image, blot_image, **pars) Masks outliers in science image.
abs_deriv(array) Take the absolute derivate of a numpy array.


OutlierDetection(input_models[, reffiles]) Main class for performing outlier detection.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of jwst.outlier_detection.outlier_detection.OutlierDetection