Source code for jwst.transforms.models

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Models used by the JWST pipeline.

The models are written using the astropy.modeling framework.
Since they are specific to JWST, the models and their ASDF schemas
are kept here separately from astropy. An ASDF extension for this package is
registered with ASDF through entry points.

import math
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from astropy.modeling.core import Model
from astropy.modeling.parameters import Parameter, InputParameterError
from astropy.modeling.models import Rotation2D
from astropy.utils import isiterable

__all__ = ['AngleFromGratingEquation', 'WavelengthFromGratingEquation',
           'Unitless2DirCos', 'DirCos2Unitless', 'Rotation3DToGWA', 'Gwa2Slit',
           'Slit2Msa', 'Snell', 'Logical', 'NirissSOSSModel', 'V23ToSky', 'Slit',
           'NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion', 'NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion',
           'NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion', 'MIRI_AB2Slice', 'GrismObject',
           'NIRISSForwardRowGrismDispersion', 'NIRISSForwardColumnGrismDispersion',
           'NIRISSBackwardGrismDispersion', 'V2V3ToIdeal', 'IdealToV2V3']

""" Number of shutters per quadrant in the NIRSPEC MSA shutter array"""

Slit = namedtuple('Slit', ["name", "shutter_id", "xcen", "ycen",
                           "ymin", "ymax", "quadrant", "source_id", "shutter_state",
                           "source_name", "source_alias", "stellarity",
                           "source_xpos", "source_ypos"])
""" Nirspec Slit structure definition"""

Slit.__new__.__defaults__ = ("", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "", "", "", "",
                             0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

[docs]class GrismObject(namedtuple('GrismObject', ("sid", "order_bounding", "sky_centroid", "partial_order", "waverange", "sky_bbox_ll", "sky_bbox_lr", "sky_bbox_ur", "sky_bbox_ul", "xcentroid", "ycentroid", ), rename=False)): """ Grism Objects identified from a direct image catalog and segment map. Notes ----- The object bounding box is computed from the segementation map, using the min and max wavelegnth for each of the orders that are available. The order_bounding member is a dictionary of bounding boxes for the object keyed by order ra and dec are the sky ra and dec of the center of the object as measured from the non-dispersed image. the segment_[ra/dec][min/max] are also as measured on the direct image order_bounding is stored as a lookup dictionary per order and contains the object x,y bounding location on the grism image GrismObject(order_bounding={"+1":((xmin,xmax),(ymin,ymax)),"+2":((2,3),(2,3))}) ``sky_bbox_??`` contains the ra,dec,frame information for the bbox from the catalog """ __slots__ = () # prevent instance dictionary for lower memory def __new__(cls, sid=None, order_bounding={}, sky_centroid=None, partial_order=False, waverange=None, sky_bbox_ll=None, sky_bbox_lr=None, sky_bbox_ur=None, sky_bbox_ul=None, xcentroid=None, ycentroid=None): return super(GrismObject, cls).__new__(cls, sid=sid, order_bounding=order_bounding, sky_centroid=sky_centroid, partial_order=partial_order, waverange=waverange, sky_bbox_ll=sky_bbox_ll, sky_bbox_lr=sky_bbox_lr, sky_bbox_ur=sky_bbox_ur, sky_bbox_ul=sky_bbox_ul, xcentroid=xcentroid, ycentroid=ycentroid) def __str__(self): """Return a pretty print for the object information.""" return ("id: {0}\n" "order_bounding {1}\n" "sky_centroid: {2}\n" "sky_bbox_ll: {3}\n" "sky_bbox_lr: {4}\n" "sky_bbox_ur: {5}\n" "sky_bbox_ul:{6}\n" "xcentroid: {7}\n" "ycentroid: {8}\n" "partial_order: {9}\n" "waverange: {10}\n" .format(self.sid, str(self.order_bounding), str(self.sky_centroid), str(self.sky_bbox_ll), str(self.sky_bbox_lr), str(self.sky_bbox_ur), str(self.sky_bbox_ul), self.xcentroid, self.ycentroid, str(self.partial_order), str(self.waverange)))
[docs]class MIRI_AB2Slice(Model): """ MIRI MRS alpha, beta to slice transform Parameters ---------- beta_zero : float beta_del : float """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False inputs = ("beta",) """ "beta": the beta angle """ outputs = ("slice",) """ "slice": Slice number""" beta_zero = Parameter('beta_zero', default=0) """ Beta_zero parameter""" beta_del = Parameter('beta_del', default=1) """ Beta_del parameter""" channel = Parameter("channel", default=1) """ MIRI MRS channel: one of 1, 2, 3, 4"""
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(beta, beta_zero, beta_del, channel): s = channel * 100 + (beta - beta_zero) / beta_del + 1 return _toindex(s)
[docs]class Snell(Model): """ Apply transforms, including Snell law, through the NIRSpec prism. Parameters ---------- angle : flaot Prism angle in deg. kcoef : list K coefficients in Sellmeir equation. lcoef : list L coefficients in Sellmeir equation. tcoef : list Thermal coefficients of glass. tref : float Refernce temperature in K. pref : float Refernce pressure in ATM. temperature : float System temperature during observation in K pressure : float System pressure during observation in ATM. """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False inputs = ("lam", "alpha_in", "beta_in", "zin") outputs = ("alpha_out", "beta_out", "zout") def __init__(self, angle, kcoef, lcoef, tcoef, tref, pref, temperature, pressure, name=None): self.prism_angle = angle self.kcoef = np.array(kcoef, dtype=np.float) self.lcoef = np.array(lcoef, dtype=np.float) self.tcoef = np.array(tcoef, dtype=np.float) self.tref = tref self.pref = pref self.temp = temperature self.pressure = pref super(Snell, self).__init__(name=name)
[docs] @staticmethod def compute_refraction_index(lam, temp, tref, pref, pressure, kcoef, lcoef, tcoef): """Calculate and retrun the refraction index.""" # Convert to microns lam = np.asarray(lam * 1e6) KtoC = 273.15 # kelvin to celcius conversion temp -= KtoC tref -= KtoC delt = temp - tref K1, K2, K3 = kcoef L1, L2, L3 = lcoef D0, D1, D2, E0, E1, lam_tk = tcoef if delt < 20: n = np.sqrt(1. + K1 * lam**2 / (lam**2 - L1) + K2 * lam**2 / (lam**2 - L2) + K3 * lam**2 / (lam**2 - L3) ) else: # Derive the refractive index of air at the reference temperature and pressure # and at the operational system's temperature and pressure. nref = 1. + (6432.8 + 2949810. * lam**2 / (146.0 * lam**2 - 1.) + (5540.0 * lam**2) / (41.0 * lam**2 - 1.)) * 1e-8 # T should be in C, P should be in ATM nair_obs = 1.0 + ((nref - 1.0) * pressure) / (1.0 + (temp - 15.) * 3.4785e-3) nair_ref = 1.0 + ((nref - 1.0) * pref) / (1.0 + (tref - 15) * 3.4785e-3) # Compute the relative index of the glass at Tref and Pref using Sellmeier equation I. lamrel = lam * nair_obs / nair_ref nrel = np.sqrt(1. + K1 * lamrel ** 2 / (lamrel ** 2 - L1) + K2 * lamrel ** 2 / (lamrel ** 2 - L2) + K3 * lamrel ** 2 / (lamrel ** 2 - L3) ) # Convert the relative index of refraction at the reference temperature and pressure # to absolute. nabs_ref = nrel * nair_ref # Compute the absolute index of the glass delnabs = (0.5 * (nrel ** 2 - 1.) / nrel) * \ (D0 * delt + D1 * delt ** 2 + D2 * delt ** 3 + \ (E0 * delt + E1 * delt ** 2) / (lamrel ** 2 - lam_tk ** 2)) nabs_obs = nabs_ref + delnabs # Define the relative index at the system's operating T and P. n = nabs_obs / nair_obs return n
[docs] def evaluate(self, lam, alpha_in, beta_in, zin): """Go through the prism""" n = self.compute_refraction_index(lam, self.temp, self.tref, self.pref, self.pressure, self.kcoef, self.lcoef, self.tcoef) # Apply Snell's law through front surface, eq 5.3.3 II xout = alpha_in / n yout = beta_in / n zout = np.sqrt(1.0 - xout**2 - yout**2) # Go to back surface frame # eq 5.3.3 III y_rotation = Rotation3DToGWA([self.prism_angle], "y") xout, yout, zout = y_rotation(xout, yout, zout) # Reflection on back surface xout = -1 * xout yout = -1 * yout # Back to front surface y_rotation = Rotation3DToGWA([-self.prism_angle], "y") xout, yout, zout = y_rotation(xout, yout, zout) # Snell's refraction law through front surface xout = xout * n yout = yout * n zout = np.sqrt(1.0 - xout**2 - yout**2) return xout, yout, zout
class RefractionIndexFromPrism(Model): """ Compute the refraction index of a prism (NIRSpec). Parameters ---------- prism_angle : float Prism angle in deg. """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False inputs = ("alpha_in", "beta_in", "alpha_out",) outputs = ("n") prism_angle = Parameter(setter=np.deg2rad, getter=np.rad2deg) def __init__(self, prism_angle, name=None): super(RefractionIndexFromPrism, self).__init__(prism_angle=prism_angle, name=name) def evaluate(self, alpha_in, beta_in, alpha_out, prism_angle): sangle = (math.sin(prism_angle)) cangle = (math.cos(prism_angle)) nsq = ((alpha_out + alpha_in * (1 - 2 * sangle ** 2)) / (2 * sangle * cangle)) ** 2 + \ alpha_in ** 2 + beta_in ** 2 return np.sqrt(nsq)
[docs]class AngleFromGratingEquation(Model): """ Solve the 3D Grating Dispersion Law for the refracted angle. Parameters ---------- groove_density : int Grating ruling density. order : int Spectral order. """ _separable = False inputs = ("lam", "alpha_in", "beta_in", "z") """ Wavelength and 3 angle coordinates going into the grating.""" outputs = ("alpha_out", "beta_out", "zout") """ Three angles coming out of the grating. """ groove_density = Parameter() """ Grating ruling density.""" order = Parameter(default=-1) """ Spectral order."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, lam, alpha_in, beta_in, z, groove_density, order): if alpha_in.shape != beta_in.shape != z.shape: raise ValueError("Expected input arrays to have the same shape") orig_shape = alpha_in.shape or (1,) xout = -alpha_in - groove_density * order * lam yout = - beta_in zout = np.sqrt(1 - xout**2 - yout**2) xout.shape = yout.shape = zout.shape = orig_shape return xout, yout, zout
[docs]class WavelengthFromGratingEquation(Model): """ Solve the 3D Grating Dispersion Law for the wavelength. Parameters ---------- groove_density : int Grating ruling density. order : int Spectral order. """ _separable = False inputs = ("alpha_in", "beta_in", "alpha_out") """ three angle - alpha_in and beta_in going into the grating and alpha_out coming out of the grating.""" outputs = ("lam",) """ Wavelength.""" groove_density = Parameter() """ Grating ruling density.""" order = Parameter(default=1) """ Spectral order."""
[docs] def evaluate(self, alpha_in, beta_in, alpha_out, groove_density, order): # beta_in is not used in this equation but is here because it's # needed for the prism computation. Currently these two computations # need to have the same interface. return -(alpha_in + alpha_out) / (groove_density * order)
[docs]class Unitless2DirCos(Model): """ Transform a vector to directional cosines. """ _separable = False inputs = ('x', 'y') outputs = ('x', 'y', 'z')
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y): vabs = np.sqrt(1. + x**2 + y**2) cosa = x / vabs cosb = y / vabs cosc = 1. / vabs return cosa, cosb, cosc
def inverse(self): return DirCos2Unitless()
[docs]class DirCos2Unitless(Model): """ Transform directional cosines to vector. """ _separable = False inputs = ('x', 'y', 'z') outputs = ('x', 'y')
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, z): return x / z, y / z
def inverse(self): return Unitless2DirCos()
[docs]class Rotation3DToGWA(Model): """ Perform a 3D rotation given an angle in degrees. Positive angles represent a counter-clockwise rotation and vice-versa. Parameters ---------- angles : array-like Angles of rotation in deg in the order of axes_order. axes_order : str A sequence of 'x', 'y', 'z' corresponding of axis of rotation/ """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False separable = False inputs = ('x', 'y', 'z') outputs = ('x', 'y', 'z') angles = Parameter(getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) def __init__(self, angles, axes_order, name=None): if len(angles) != len(axes_order): raise InputParameterError( "Number of angles must equal number of axes in axes_order.") self.axes = ['x', 'y', 'z'] unrecognized = set(axes_order).difference(self.axes) if unrecognized: raise ValueError("Unrecognized axis label {0}; " "should be one of {1} ".format(unrecognized, self.axes)) self.axes_order = axes_order self._func_map = {'x': self._xrot, 'y': self._yrot, 'z': self._zrot } super(Rotation3DToGWA, self).__init__(angles, name=name) @property def inverse(self): """Inverse rotation.""" angles = self.angles.value[::-1] * -1 return self.__class__(angles, self.axes_order[::-1]) def _xrot(self, x, y, z, theta): xout = x yout = y * np.cos(theta) + z * np.sin(theta) zout = np.sqrt(1 - xout ** 2 - yout ** 2) return [xout, yout, zout] def _yrot(self, x, y, z, theta): xout = x * np.cos(theta) - z * np.sin(theta) yout = y zout = np.sqrt(1 - xout ** 2 - yout ** 2) return [xout, yout, zout] def _zrot(self, x, y, z, theta): xout = x * np.cos(theta) + y * np.sin(theta) yout = -x * np.sin(theta) + y * np.cos(theta) zout = np.sqrt(1 - xout ** 2 - yout ** 2) return [xout, yout, zout]
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, z, angles): """ Apply the rotation to a set of 3D Cartesian coordinates. """ if x.shape != y.shape != z.shape: raise ValueError("Expected input arrays to have the same shape") # Note: If the original shape was () (an array scalar) convert to a # 1-element 1-D array on output for consistency with most other models orig_shape = x.shape or (1,) for ang, ax in zip(angles[0], self.axes_order): x, y, z = self._func_map[ax](x, y, z, theta=ang) x.shape = y.shape = z.shape = orig_shape return x, y, z
class Rotation3D(Model): """ Perform a series of rotations about different axis in 3D space. Positive angles represent a counter-clockwise rotation. Parameters ---------- angles : array-like Angles of rotation in deg in the order of axes_order. axes_order : str A sequence of 'x', 'y', 'z' corresponding of axis of rotation. """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False inputs = ('x', 'y', 'z') outputs = ('x', 'y', 'z') angles = Parameter(getter=np.rad2deg, setter=np.deg2rad) def __init__(self, angles, axes_order, name=None): self.axes = ['x', 'y', 'z'] unrecognized = set(axes_order).difference(self.axes) if unrecognized: raise ValueError("Unrecognized axis label {0}; " "should be one of {1} ".format(unrecognized, self.axes)) self.axes_order = axes_order if len(angles) != len(axes_order): raise ValueError("The number of angles {0} should match the number \ of axes {1}.".format(len(angles), len(axes_order))) super(Rotation3D, self).__init__(angles, name=name) @property def inverse(self): """Inverse rotation.""" angles = self.angles.value[::-1] * -1 return self.__class__(angles, axes_order=self.axes_order[::-1]) @staticmethod def _compute_matrix(angles, axes_order): if len(angles) != len(axes_order): raise InputParameterError( "Number of angles must equal number of axes in axes_order.") matrices = [] for angle, axis in zip(angles, axes_order): matrix = np.zeros((3, 3), dtype=np.float) if axis == 'x': mat = Rotation3D.rotation_matrix_from_angle(angle) matrix[0, 0] = 1 matrix[1:, 1:] = mat elif axis == 'y': mat = Rotation3D.rotation_matrix_from_angle(-angle) matrix[1, 1] = 1 matrix[0, 0] = mat[0, 0] matrix[0, 2] = mat[0, 1] matrix[2, 0] = mat[1, 0] matrix[2, 2] = mat[1, 1] elif axis == 'z': mat = Rotation3D.rotation_matrix_from_angle(angle) matrix[2, 2] = 1 matrix[:2, :2] = mat else: raise ValueError("Expected axes_order to be a combination \ of characters 'x', 'y' and 'z', got {0}".format( set(axes_order).difference(['x', 'y', 'z']))) matrices.append(matrix) if len(angles) == 1: return matrix elif len(matrices) == 2: return[1], matrices[0]) else: prod =[1], matrices[0]) for m in matrices[2:]: prod =, prod) return prod @staticmethod def rotation_matrix_from_angle(angle): """ Clockwise rotation matrix. """ return np.array([[math.cos(angle), -math.sin(angle)], [math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)]]) def evaluate(self, x, y, z, angles): """ Apply the rotation to a set of 3D Cartesian coordinates. """ if x.shape != y.shape != z.shape: raise ValueError("Expected input arrays to have the same shape") # Note: If the original shape was () (an array scalar) convert to a # 1-element 1-D array on output for consistency with most other models orig_shape = x.shape or (1,) inarr = np.array([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()]) result =[0], self.axes_order), inarr) x, y, z = result[0], result[1], result[2] x.shape = y.shape = z.shape = orig_shape return x, y, z class LRSWavelength(Model): """ The MIRI LRS wavelength solution implemented as an astropy.modeling.Model. Parameters ---------- wavetable : ndarray Array of wavelengths. zero_point : tuple The (X, Y) pixel coordinates of the wavelength zero point. """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False linear = False fittable = False inputs = ('x', 'y') outputs = ('lambda',) def __init__(self, wavetable, zero_point, name=None): self._wavetable = wavetable self._zero_point = zero_point super(LRSWavelength, self).__init__(name=name) @property def wavetable(self): return self._wavetable @property def zero_point(self): return self._zero_point def evaluate(self, x, y): slitsize = 1.00076751 # The MIRI LRS slit size. imx, imy = self.zero_point dx = x - imx dy = y - imy if x.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("Inputs have different shape.") x0 = self._wavetable[:, 3] y0 = self._wavetable[:, 4] x1 = self._wavetable[:, 5] #y1 = self._wavetable[:, 6] wave = self._wavetable[:, 2] diff0 = (dy - y0[0]) ind = np.abs(np.asarray(diff0 / slitsize, condition = np.logical_and(dy < y0[0], dy > y0[-1]) #, dx>x0, dx<x1) xyind = condition.nonzero() wavelength = np.zeros(condition.shape) wavelength += np.nan wavelength[xyind] = wave[ind[xyind]] wavelength = wavelength.flatten() wavelength[(dx[xyind] < x0[ind[xyind]]).nonzero()[0]] = np.nan wavelength[(dx[xyind] > x1[ind[xyind]]).nonzero()[0]] = np.nan wavelength.shape = condition.shape return wavelength
[docs]class Gwa2Slit(Model): """ NIRSpec GWA to slit transform. Parameters ---------- slits : list A list of open slits. A slit is a namedtupe of type `~jwst.transforms.models.Slit` Slit("name", "shutter_id", "xcen", "ycen", "ymin", "ymax", "quadrant", "source_id", "shutter_state", "source_name", "source_alias", "stellarity", "source_xpos", "source_ypos"]) models : list List of models (`~astropy.modeling.core.Model`) corresponding to the list of slits. """ _separable = False inputs = ('name', 'angle1', 'angle2', 'angle3') """ Name of the slit and the three angle coordinates at the GWA going from detector to sky.""" outputs = ('name', 'x_slit', 'y_slit', 'lam') """ Name of the slit, x and y coordinates within the virtual slit and wavelength.""" def __init__(self, slits, models): if isiterable(slits[0]): self._slits = [tuple(s) for s in slits] self.slit_ids = [s[0] for s in self._slits] else: self._slits = list(slits) self.slit_ids = self._slits self.models = models super(Gwa2Slit, self).__init__() @property def slits(self): if isiterable(self._slits[0]): return [Slit(*row) for row in self._slits] else: return self.slit_ids
[docs] def get_model(self, name): index = self.slit_ids.index(name) return self.models[index]
[docs] def evaluate(self, name, x, y, z): index = self.slit_ids.index(name) return (name, ) + self.models[index](x, y, z)
[docs]class Slit2Msa(Model): """ NIRSpec slit to MSA transform. Parameters ---------- slits : list A list of open slits. A slit is a namedtupe, `~jwst.transforms.models.Slit` Slit("name", "shutter_id", "xcen", "ycen", "ymin", "ymax", "quadrant", "source_id", "shutter_state", "source_name", "source_alias", "stellarity", "source_xpos", "source_ypos") models : list List of models (`~astropy.modeling.core.Model`) corresponding to the list of slits. """ _separable = False inputs = ('name', 'x_slit', 'y_slit') """ Name of the slit, x and y coordinates within the virtual slit.""" outputs = ('x_msa', 'y_msa') """ x and y coordinates in the MSA frame.""" def __init__(self, slits, models): super(Slit2Msa, self).__init__() if isiterable(slits[0]): self._slits = [tuple(s) for s in slits] self.slit_ids = [s[0] for s in self._slits] else: self._slits = list(slits) self.slit_ids = self._slits self.models = models @property def slits(self): if isiterable(self._slits[0]): return [Slit(*row) for row in self._slits] else: return self.slit_ids
[docs] def get_model(self, name): index = self.slit_ids.index(name) return self.models[index]
[docs] def evaluate(self, name, x, y): index = self.slit_ids.index(name) return self.models[index](x, y)
[docs]class NirissSOSSModel(Model): """ NIRISS SOSS wavelength solution implemented as a Model. Parameters ---------- spectral_orders : list of int Spectral orders for which there is a wavelength solution. models : list of `~astropy.modeling.core.Model` A list of transforms representing the wavelength solution for each order in spectral orders. It should match the order in ``spectral_orders``. """ _separable = False inputs = ('x', 'y', 'spectral_order') """ x and y pixel coordinates and spectral order""" outputs = ('ra', 'dec', 'lam') """ RA and DEC coordinates and wavelength""" def __init__(self, spectral_orders, models): super(NirissSOSSModel, self).__init__() self.spectral_orders = spectral_orders self.models = dict(zip(spectral_orders, models))
[docs] def get_model(self, spectral_order): return self.models[spectral_order]
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, spectral_order): # The spectral_order variable is coming in as an array/list of one element. # So, we are going to just take the 0'th element and use that as the index. try: order_number = int(spectral_order[0]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Spectral order is not between 1 and 3, {}'.format(spectral_order)) return self.models[order_number](x, y)
[docs]class Logical(Model): """ Substitute values in an array where the condition is evaluated to True. Similar to numpy's where function. Parameters ---------- condition : str A string representing the logical, one of GT, LT, NE, EQ compareto : float, ndarray A number to compare to using the condition If ndarray then the input array, compareto and value should have the same shape. value : float, ndarray Value to substitute where condition is True. """ inputs = ('x', ) outputs = ('x', ) _separable = False conditions = {'GT': np.greater, 'LT': np.less, 'EQ': np.equal, 'NE': np.not_equal } def __init__(self, condition, compareto, value, **kwargs): self.condition = condition.upper() self.compareto = compareto self.value = value super(Logical, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x): x = x.copy() m = ~np.isnan(x) m_ind = np.flatnonzero(m) if isinstance(self.compareto, np.ndarray): cond = self.conditions[self.condition](x[m], self.compareto[m]) x.flat[m_ind[cond]] = self.value.flat[m_ind[cond]] else: cond = self.conditions[self.condition](x[m], self.compareto) x.flat[m_ind[cond]] = self.value return x
def __repr__(self): txt = "{0}(condition={1}, compareto={2}, value={3})" return txt.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.condition, self.compareto, self.value)
[docs]class V23ToSky(Rotation3D): """ Transform from V2V3 to a standard coordinate system (ICRS). Parameters ---------- angles : list A sequence of angles (in deg). The angles are [-V2_REF, V3_REF, -ROLL_REF, -DEC_REF, RA_REF]. axes_order : str A sequence of characters ('x', 'y', or 'z') corresponding to the axis of rotation and matching the order in ``angles``. The axes are "zyxyz". """ _separable = False inputs = ("v2", "v3") """ ("v2", "v3"): Coordinates in the (V2, V3) telescope frame.""" outputs = ("ra", "dec") """ ("ra", "dec"): RA, DEC cooridnates in ICRS.""" def __init__(self, angles, axes_order, name=None): super(V23ToSky, self).__init__(angles, axes_order=axes_order, name=name)
[docs] @staticmethod def spherical2cartesian(alpha, delta): """ Convert spherical coordinates (in deg) to cartesian. """ alpha = np.deg2rad(alpha) delta = np.deg2rad(delta) x = np.cos(alpha) * np.cos(delta) y = np.cos(delta) * np.sin(alpha) z = np.sin(delta) return np.array([x, y, z])
[docs] @staticmethod def cartesian2spherical(x, y, z): """ Convert cartesian coordinates to spherical coordinates (in deg). """ h = np.hypot(x, y) alpha = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(y, x)) delta = np.rad2deg(np.arctan2(z, h)) return alpha, delta
[docs] def evaluate(self, v2, v3, angles): x, y, z = self.spherical2cartesian(v2, v3) x1, y1, z1 = super(V23ToSky, self).evaluate(x, y, z, angles) ra, dec = self.cartesian2spherical(x1, y1, z1) return ra, dec
[docs] def __call__(self, v2, v3): from itertools import chain inputs, format_info = self.prepare_inputs(v2, v3) parameters = self._param_sets(raw=True) outputs = self.evaluate(*chain([v2, v3], parameters)) if self.n_outputs == 1: outputs = (outputs,) return self.prepare_outputs(format_info, *outputs)
[docs]class IdealToV2V3(Model): """ Performs the transform from Ideal to telescope V2,V3 coordinate system. The two systems have the same origin: V2_REF, V3_REF. Note: This model has no schema implemented - add schema if needed. """ _separable = False inputs = ('xidl', 'yidl') """ x and y coordinates in the telescope Ideal frame.""" outputs = ('v2', 'v3') """ coorinates in the telescope (V2,V3) frame.""" v3idlyangle = Parameter() # in deg v2ref = Parameter() # in arcsec v3ref = Parameter() # in arcsec vparity = Parameter() def __init__(self, v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity, name='idl2V', **kwargs): super(IdealToV2V3, self).__init__(v3idlyangle=v3idlyangle, v2ref=v2ref, v3ref=v3ref, vparity=vparity, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(xidl, yidl, v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity): """ Parameters ---------- xidl, yidl : ndarray-like Coordinates in Ideal System [in arcsec] v3idlyangle : float Angle between Ideal Y-axis and V3 [ in deg] v2ref, v3ref : ndarray-like Coordinates in V2, V3 [in arcsec] vparity : int Parity. Returns ------- v2, v3 : ndarray-like Coordinates in the (V2, V3) telescope system [in arcsec]. """ v3idlyangle = np.deg2rad(v3idlyangle) v2 = v2ref + vparity * xidl * np.cos(v3idlyangle) + yidl * np.sin(v3idlyangle) v3 = v3ref - vparity * xidl * np.sin(v3idlyangle) + yidl * np.cos(v3idlyangle) return v2, v3
def inverse(self): return V2V3ToIdeal(self.v3idlyangle, self.v2ref, self.v3ref, self.vparity)
[docs]class V2V3ToIdeal(Model): """ Performs the transform from telescope V2,V3 to Ideal coordinate system. The two systems have the same origin - V2_REF, V3_REF. Note: This model has no schema implemented - add if needed. """ _separable = False inputs = ('v2', 'v3') """ ('v2', 'v3'): coorinates in the telescope (V2,V3) frame.""" outputs = ('xidl', 'yidl') """ ('xidl', 'yidl'): x and y coordinates in the telescope Ideal frame.""" v3idlyangle = Parameter() # in deg v2ref = Parameter() # in arcsec v3ref = Parameter() # in arcsec vparity = Parameter() def __init__(self, v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity, name='V2idl', **kwargs): super(V2V3ToIdeal, self).__init__(v3idlyangle=v3idlyangle, v2ref=v2ref, v3ref=v3ref, vparity=vparity, name=name, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def evaluate(v2, v3, v3idlyangle, v2ref, v3ref, vparity): """ Parameters ---------- xidl, yidl : ndarray-like Coordinates in Ideal System [in arcsec] v3idlyangle : float Angle between Ideal Y-axis and V3 [ in deg] v2ref, v3ref : ndarray-like Coordinates in V2, V3 [in arcsec] vparity : int Parity. Returns ------- xidl, yidl : ndarray-like Coordinates in the Ideal telescope system [in arcsec]. """ v3idlyangle = np.deg2rad(v3idlyangle) xidl = vparity * ((v2 - v2ref) * np.cos(v3idlyangle) - (v3 - v3ref) * np.sin(v3idlyangle)) yidl = ((v2 - v2ref) * np.sin(v3idlyangle) + (v3 - v3ref) * np.cos(v3idlyangle)) return xidl, yidl
def inverse(self): return IdealToV2V3(self.v3idlyangle, self.v2ref, self.v3ref, self.vparity)
def _toindex(value): """ Convert value to an int or an int array. Input coordinates converted to integers corresponding to the center of the pixel. The convention is that the center of the pixel is (0, 0), while the lower left corner is (-0.5, -0.5). Examples -------- >>> _toindex(np.array([-0.5, 0.49999])) array([0, 0]) >>> _toindex(np.array([0.5, 1.49999])) array([1, 1]) >>> _toindex(np.array([1.5, 2.49999])) array([2, 2]) """ indx = np.asarray(np.floor(np.asarray(value) + 0.5), return indx
[docs]class NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion(Model): """Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order. Parameters ---------- orders : list [int] List of orders which are available lmodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which govern the wavelength solutions for each order xmodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which govern the x solutions for each order ymodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which givern the y solutions for each order Returns ------- x, y, wavelength, order in the grism image for the pixel at x0,y0 that was specified as input using the input delta pix for the specified order Notes ----- The evaluation here is linear currently because higher orders have not yet been defined for NIRCAM (NIRCAM polynomials currently do not have any field dependence) """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False fittable = False linear = False inputs = ("x", "y", "x0", "y0", "order") outputs = ("x", "y", "wavelength", "order") def __init__(self, orders, lmodels=None, xmodels=None, ymodels=None, name=None, meta=None): self.orders = orders self.lmodels = lmodels self.xmodels = xmodels self.ymodels = ymodels self._order_mapping = {int(k): v for v, k in enumerate(orders)} meta = {"orders": orders} # informational for users if name is None: name = 'nircam_forward_row_grism_dispersion' super(NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion, self).__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, x0, y0, order): """Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order. Parameters ---------- x : float input x pixel y : float intput y pixel x0 : float input x-center of object y0 : float input y-center of object order : int the spectral order to use """ try: iorder = self._order_mapping[int(order)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Specified order is not available") # for accepting the dy and known source object center t = self.xmodels[iorder](x - x0) dy = self.ymodels[iorder](t) wavelength = self.lmodels[iorder](t) return (x0, y0+dy, wavelength, order)
[docs]class NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion(Model): """Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order. Parameters ---------- orders : list [int] List of orders which are available lmodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which govern the wavelength solutions xmodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which govern the x solutions ymodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which givern the y solutions Returns ------- x, y, lam, order in the grism image for the pixel at x0,y0 that was specified as input using the input delta pix for the specified order Notes ----- The evaluation here is lineaer because higher orders have not yet been defined for NIRCAM (NIRCAM polynomials currently do not have any field dependence) """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False fittable = False linear = False inputs = ("x", "y", "x0", "y0", "order") outputs = ("x", "y", "wavelength", "order") def __init__(self, orders, lmodels=None, xmodels=None, ymodels=None, name=None, meta=None): self.orders = orders self.lmodels = lmodels self.xmodels = xmodels self.ymodels = ymodels self._order_mapping = {int(k): v for v, k in enumerate(orders)} meta = {"orders": orders} # informational for users if name is None: name = 'nircam_forward_column_grism_dispersion' super(NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion, self).__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, x0, y0, order): """Return the transform from grism to image for the given spectral order. Parameters ---------- x : float input x pixel y : float intput y pixel x0 : float input x-center of object y0 : float input y-center of object order : int the spectral order to use """ try: iorder = self._order_mapping[int(order)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Specified order is not available") # for accepting the dy and known source object center t = self.ymodels[iorder](y-y0) dx = self.xmodels[iorder](t) wavelength = self.lmodels[iorder](t) return (x0+dx, y0, wavelength, order)
[docs]class NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion(Model): """Return the valid pixel(s) and wavelengths given center x,y and lam Parameters ---------- orders : list [int] List of orders which are available lmodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which govern the wavelength solutions xmodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which govern the x solutions ymodels : list [astropy.modeling.Model] List of models which givern the y solutions Returns ------- x, y, lam, order in the grism image for the pixel at x0,y0 that was specified as input using the wavelength l for the specified order Notes ----- The evaluation here is lineaer because higher orders have not yet been defined for NIRCAM (NIRCAM polynomials currently do not have any field dependence) """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False fittable = False linear = False inputs = ("x", "y", "wavelength", "order") outputs = ("x", "y", "x0", "y0", "order") def __init__(self, orders, lmodels=None, xmodels=None, ymodels=None, name=None, meta=None): self._order_mapping = {int(k): v for v, k in enumerate(orders)} self.lmodels = lmodels self.xmodels = xmodels self.ymodels = ymodels self.orders = orders meta = {"orders": orders} if name is None: name = "nircam_backward_grism_dispersion" super(NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion, self).__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, wavelength, order): """Return the tranfrom from image to grism for the given spectral order. Parameters ---------- x : float input x pixel y : float intput y pixel wavelength : float input wavelength in angstroms order : int specifies the spectral order """ try: iorder = self._order_mapping[int(order)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Specified order is not available") if wavelength < 0: raise ValueError("wavelength should be greater than zero") t = self.lmodels[iorder](float(wavelength)) dx = self.xmodels[iorder](float(t)) dy = self.ymodels[iorder](float(t)) return (x+dx, y+dy, x, y, order)
[docs]class NIRISSBackwardGrismDispersion(Model): """This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels. The dispersion is relative to the input x,y for a given wavelength. Parameters ---------- xmodels : list[tuple] The list of tuple(models) for the polynomial model in x ymodels : list[tuple] The list of tuple(models) for the polynomial model in y lmodels : list The list of models for the polynomial model in l orders : list The list of orders which are available to the model theta : float The rotation to apply Notes ----- Given the x,y, wave, order as known on the direct image, it returns the tuple of x, y, wave, order for that wave in the dispersed image. This model needs to be generalized, at the moment it satisfies the 2t x 6(xy)th order polynomial currently used by NIRISS. There's spatial dependence for NIRISS so the forward transform is iterative """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False fittable = False linear = False inputs = ("x", "y", "wavelength", "order") outputs = ("x", "y", "x0", "y0", "order") def __init__(self, orders, lmodels=None, xmodels=None, ymodels=None, theta=None, name=None, meta=None): self._order_mapping = {int(k): v for v, k in enumerate(orders)} self.xmodels = xmodels self.ymodels = ymodels self.lmodels = lmodels self.orders = orders self.theta = theta meta = {"orders": orders} if name is None: name = 'niriss_backward_grism_dispersion' super(NIRISSBackwardGrismDispersion, self).__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, wavelength, order): """Return the valid pixel(s) and wavelengths given center x,y and lam Parameters ---------- wavelength : int,float Input wavelength you want to know about, will be converted to float x : int,float Input x location y : int,float Input y location wavelength : float Wavelength to disperse order : list The order to use Returns ------- x, y, wavelength, order in the grism image for the pixel at x,y that was specified as input using the wavelength and order specified Notes ----- There's spatial dependence for NIRISS so the forward transform dependes on x,y as well as the filter wheel rotation. Theta is usu. taken to be the different between fwcpos_ref in the specwcs reference file and fwcpos from the input image. """ if wavelength < 0: raise ValueError("Wavelength should be greater than zero") try: iorder = self._order_mapping[int(order)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Specified order is not available") t = self.lmodels[iorder](wavelength) # use that t to compute the dx and dy dx = self.xmodels[iorder][0](x, y) + t * self.xmodels[iorder][1](x, y) dy = self.ymodels[iorder][0](x, y) + t * self.ymodels[iorder][1](x, y) # rotate by theta if self.theta != 0.0: rotate = Rotation2D(self.theta) dx, dy = rotate(dx, dy) return (x+dx, y+dy, x, y, order)
[docs]class NIRISSForwardRowGrismDispersion(Model): """This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels. The dispersion polynomial is relative to the input x,y pixels in the direct image for a given wavelength. Parameters ---------- xmodels : list[tuples] The list of tuple(models) for the polynomial model in x ymodels : list[tuples] The list of tuple(models) for the polynomial model in y lmodels : list The list of models for the polynomial model in l orders : list The list of orders which are available to the model Notes ----- Given the x,y, source location as known on the dispersed image, as well as order, it returns the tuple of x,y,wavelength,order. This model needs to be generalized, at the moment it satisfies the 2t x 6(xy)th order polynomial currently used by NIRISS. """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False fittable = False linear = False # starts with the backwards pixel and calculates the forward pixel inputs = ("x", "y", "x0", "y0", "order") outputs = ("x", "y", "wavelength", "order") def __init__(self, orders, lmodels=None, xmodels=None, ymodels=None, theta=0., name=None, meta=None): self._order_mapping = {int(k): v for v, k in enumerate(orders)} self.xmodels = xmodels self.ymodels = ymodels self.lmodels = lmodels self.theta = theta self.orders = orders meta = {"orders": orders} if name is None: name = 'niriss_forward_row_grism_dispersion' super(NIRISSForwardRowGrismDispersion, self).__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, x0, y0, order): """Return the valid pixel(s) and wavelengths given center x,y and lam Parameters ---------- x0: int,float,list Source object x-center y0: int,float,list Source object y-center x : int,float,list Input x location y : int,float,list Input y location order : int Spectral order to use Returns ------- x, y, lambda, order, theta, in the direct image for the pixel that was specified as input using the wavelength l and spectral order Notes ----- There's spatial dependence for NIRISS as well as dependence on the filter wheel rotation during the exposure. """ try: iorder = self._order_mapping[int(order)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Specified order is not available") dxr = x-x0 # delta x in rotated trace coordinates t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) #sample t dx = self.xmodels[iorder][0](x0, y0) + t * self.xmodels[iorder][1](x0, y0) dy = self.ymodels[iorder][0](x0, y0) + t * self.ymodels[iorder][1](x0, y0) if self.theta != 0.0: rotate = Rotation2D(self.theta) dx, dy = rotate(dx, dy) so = np.argsort(dx) tr = np.interp(dxr, dx[so], t[so]) wavelength = self.lmodels[iorder](tr) return (x0, y0, wavelength, order)
[docs]class NIRISSForwardColumnGrismDispersion(Model): """This model calculates the dispersion extent of NIRISS pixels. The dispersion polynomial is relative to the input x,y pixels in the direct image for a given wavelength. Parameters ---------- xmodels : list[tuple] The list of tuple(models) for the polynomial model in x ymodels : list[tuple] The list of tuple(models) for the polynomial model in y lmodels : list The list of models for the polynomial model in l orders : list The list of orders which are available to the model Notes ----- Given the x,y, source location, order, it returns the tuple of x,y,wavelength,order on the dispersed image. It also requires FWCPOS from the image header, this is the filter wheel position in degrees. """ standard_broadcasting = False _separable = False fittable = False linear = False # starts with the backwards pixel and calculates the forward pixel inputs = ("x", "y", "x0", "y0", "order") outputs = ("x", "y", "wavelength", "order") def __init__(self, orders, lmodels=None, xmodels=None, ymodels=None, theta=None, name=None, meta=None): self._order_mapping = {int(k): v for v, k in enumerate(orders)} self.xmodels = xmodels self.ymodels = ymodels self.lmodels = lmodels self.orders = orders self.theta = theta meta = {"orders": orders} if name is None: name = 'niriss_forward_column_grism_dispersion' super(NIRISSForwardColumnGrismDispersion, self).__init__(name=name, meta=meta)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, y, x0, y0, order): """Return the valid pixel(s) and wavelengths given center x,y and lam Parameters ---------- x0: int,float Source object x-center y0: int,float Source object y-center x : int,float Input x location y : int,float Input y location order : int Spectral order to use theta : float input filter wheel rotation angle in degrees Returns ------- x, y, lambda, order, in the direct image for the pixel that was specified as input using the wavelength l and spectral order Notes ----- There's spatial dependence for NIRISS as well as rotation for the filter wheel """ try: iorder = self._order_mapping[int(order)] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Specified order is not available") dyr = y - y0 # delta x in rotated trace coordinate t = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) dx = self.xmodels[iorder][0](x0, y0) + t * self.xmodels[iorder][1](x0, y0) dy = self.ymodels[iorder][0](x0, y0) + t * self.ymodels[iorder][1](x0, y0) if self.theta != 0.0: rotate = Rotation2D(self.theta) dx, dy = rotate(dx, dy) so = np.argsort(dy) tr = np.interp(dyr, dy[so], t[so]) wavelength = self.lmodels[iorder](tr) return (x0, y0, wavelength, order)