Reference File

The tso_photometry step uses a TsoPhotModel reference file, reference type TSOPHOT, that supplies values of radius (in pixels) for the target aperture and the inner and outer radii for the background annulus.

CRDS Selection Criteria

TSOPHOT reference files are selected on the basis of INSTRUME, EXP_TYPE, and TSOVISIT. For MIRI exposures, EXP_TYPE should be MIR_IMAGE. For NIRCam exposures, EXP_TYPE should be NRC_TSIMAGE. For both MIRI and NIRCam, TSOVISIT should be True.

Required keywords

These keywords are required to be present in a TsoPhotModel reference file. The first column gives the FITS keyword names (although these reference files are ASDF). The second column gives the model name, which is needed when creating and populating a new reference file.

Keyword Model Name
DATAMODL meta.model_type
DESCRIP meta.description
EXP_TYPE meta.exposure.type
FILENAME meta.filename
PEDIGREE meta.pedigree
REFTYPE meta.reftype
TELESCOP meta.telescope
TSOVISIT meta.visit.tsovisit
USEAFTER meta.useafter

TSOPHOT Reference File Format

TSOPHOT reference files are ASDF files. An object called ‘radii’ in a TSOPHOT file defines the radii that the step needs. This object is a list of one or more dictionaries. Each such dictionary has four keys: ‘pupil’, ‘radius’, ‘radius_inner’, and ‘radius_outer’. The particular one of these dictionaries to use is selected by comparing meta.instrument.pupil with the value corresponding to ‘pupil’ in each dictionary. If an exact match is found, that dictionary will be used. If no match is found, the first dictionary with ‘pupil’: ‘ANY’ will be selected. The radii will be taken from the values of keys ‘radius’, ‘radius_inner’, and ‘radius_outer’.