Reference File

There are four reference file types for the flat_field step. Reftype FLAT is used for all exposure types except NIRSpec spectra. NIRSpec spectra use three reftypes: FFLAT (fore optics), SFLAT (spectrograph optics), and DFLAT (detector).

CRDS Selection Criteria

For MIRI Imaging, flat-field reference files are selected based on the values of INSTRUME, DETECTOR, FILTER, READPATT, and SUBARRAY in the science data file.

For MIRI MRS, flat-field reference files are selected based on the values of INSTRUME, DETECTOR, BAND, READPATT, and SUBARRAY in the science data file.

For NIRCam, flat-field reference files are selected based on the values of INSTRUME, DETECTOR, FILTER, and PUPIL in the science data file.

For NIRISS, flat-field reference files are selected based on the values of INSTRUME, DETECTOR, and FILTER in the science data file.

For NIRSpec, flat-field reference files are selected based on the values of INSTRUME, DETECTOR, FILTER, GRATING, and EXP_TYPE in the science data file.

Reference File Formats for MIRI, NIRCAM, and NIRISS

Except for NIRSpec modes, flat-field reference files are FITS format with 3 IMAGE extensions and 1 BINTABLE extension. The primary data array is assumed to be empty. The 3 IMAGE extensions have the following characteristics:

EXTNAME NAXIS Dimensions Data type
SCI 2 ncols x nrows float
ERR 2 ncols x nrows float
DQ 2 ncols x nrows integer

The BINTABLE extension uses EXTNAME=DQ_DEF and contains the bit assignments of the conditions flagged in the DQ array.

For application to imaging data, the FITS file contains a single set of SCI, ERR, DQ, and DQ_DEF extensions. Image dimensions should be 2048x2048 for the NIR detectors and 1032 x 1024 for MIRI, unless data were taken in subarray mode.

For slit spectroscopy, a set of SCI, ERR and DQ extensions can be provided for each aperture (identified by the detector subarray onto which the spectrum is projected).

A single DQ_DEF extension provides the data-quality definitions for all of the DQ arrays, which must use the same coding scheme. The DQ_DEF table contains the bit assignments used in the DQ array, and contains 4 columns:

  • BIT: integer value giving the bit number, starting at zero
  • VALUE: the equivalent base-10 integer value of BIT
  • NAME: the string mnemonic name of the data quality condition
  • DESCRIPTION: a string description of the condition

Reference File Formats for NIRSpec

For NIRSpec data, the flat-field reference files allow for variations in the flat field with wavelength as well as from pixel to pixel. There is a separate flat-field reference file for each of three sections of the instrument: the fore optics (FFLAT), the spectrograph (SFLAT), and the detector (DFLAT). The contents of the reference files differ from one mode to another (see below), but in general there may be a flat-field image and a 1-D array. The image provides pixel-to-pixel values for the flat field that may vary slowly (or not at all) with wavelength, while the 1-D array is for a pixel-independent fast variation with wavelength. Details of the file formats are given in the following sections.

If there is no significant slow variation with wavelength, the image will be a 2-D array; otherwise, the image will be a 3-D array, with each plane corresponding to a different wavelength. In the latter case, the wavelength for each plane will be given in a table extension called WAVELENGTH in the flat-field reference file. The fast variation is given in a table extension called FAST_VARIATION, with column names “slit_name”, “nelem”, “wavelength”, and “data” (an array of wavelength-dependent flat-field values). Each row of the table contains a slit name (for fixed-slit data, otherwise “ANY”), an array of flat-field values, an array of the corresponding wavelengths, and the number of elements (“nelem”) of “data” and “wavelength” that are populated, as the allocated array size can be larger than is needed. For some reference files there will not be any image array, in which case all the flat field information will be taken from the FAST_VARIATION table.

The SCI extension of the reference file may contain NaNs. If so, the flat_field step will replace these values with 1 and will flag the corresponding pixel in the DQ extension with NO_FLAT_FIELD. The WAVELENGTH extension is not expected to contain NaNs.

For the detector section, there is only one flat-field reference file for each detector. For the fore optics and the spectrograph sections, however, there are different flat fields for fixed-slit data, IFU data, and for multi-object spectroscopic data. Here is a summary of the contents of these files.

For the fore optics, the flat field for fixed-slit data contains just a FAST_VARIATION table (i.e. there is no image). This table has five rows, one for each of the fixed slits. The flat field for IFU data also contains just a FAST_VARIATION table, but it has only one row with the value “ANY” in the “slit_name” column. For multi-object spectroscopic data, the flat field contains four sets (one for each MSA quadrant) of images, WAVELENGTH tables, and FAST_VARIATION tables. The images are unique to the fore optics flat fields, however. The image “pixels” correspond to micro-shutter array slits, rather than to detector pixels. The array size is 365 rows by 171 columns, and there are multiple planes to handle the slow variation of flat field with wavelength.

For the spectrograph optics, the flat-field files have nearly the same format for fixed-slit data, IFU, and multi-object data. The difference is that for fixed-slit and IFU data, the image is just a single plane, i.e. the only variation with wavelength is in the FAST_VARIATION table, while there are multiple planes in the image for multi-object spectroscopic data (and therefore there is also a corresponding WAVELENGTH table, with one row for each plane of the image).

For the detector section, the flat field file contains a 3-D image (i.e. the flat field at multiple wavelengths), a corresponding WAVELENGTH table, and a FAST_VARIATION table with one row.

As just described, there are 3 types of reference files for NIRSpec (FFLAT, SFLAT, and DFLAT), and within each of these types, there are several formats, which are now described.

Fore Optics (FFLAT)

There are 3 types of FFLAT reference files: fixed slit, msa spec, and IFU. For each type the primary data array is assumed to be empty.

Fixed Slit

The fixed slit references files have EXP_TYPE=NRS_FIXEDSLIT, and have a single BINTABLE extension, labeled FAST_VARIATION.

The table contains four columns:

  • slit_name: string, name of slit
  • nelem: integer, maximum number of wavelengths
  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength
  • data: float 1-D array, flat field values for each wavelength

The number of rows in the table is given by NAXIS2, and each row corresponds to a separate slit.

MSA Spec

The MSA Spec references files have EXP_TYPE=NRS_MSASPEC, and contain data pertaining to each of the 4 quadrants. For each quadrant, there are 3 IMAGE extensions, a BINTABLE extension labeled WAVELENGTH, and a BINTABLE extension labeled FAST_VARIATION. The file also contains one BINTABLE labeled DQ_DEF.

The IMAGE extensions have the following characteristics:

EXTNAME NAXIS Dimensions Data type
SCI 3 ncols x nrows x nelem float
ERR 3 ncols x nrows x nelem float
DQ 3 ncols x nrows x nelem integer

For all 3 of these extensions, the EXTVER keyword indicates the quadrant number, 1 to 4. Each plane of the SCI array gives the flat_field value for every pixel in the quadrant for the corresponding wavelength, which is specified in the WAVELENGTH table.

The WAVELENGTH table contains a single column:

  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength

Each of these wavelength values corresponds to a single plane of the IMAGE arrays.

The FAST_VARIATION table contains four columns:

  • slit_name: the string “ANY”
  • nelem: integer, maximum number of wavelengths
  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength
  • data: float 1-D array, flat field values for each wavelength

The flat field values in this table are used to account for a wavelength-dependence on a much finer scale than given by the values in the SCI array. There is a single row in this table, as the same wavelength-dependent value is applied to all pixels in the quadrant.

The DQ_DEF table contains the bit assignments used in the DQ array, and contains 4 columns:

  • BIT: integer value giving the bit number, starting at zero
  • VALUE: the equivalent base-10 integer value of BIT
  • NAME: the string mnemonic name of the data quality condition
  • DESCRIPTION: a string description of the condition


The IFU reference files have EXP_TYPE=NRS_IFU. These have one extensions, a BINTABLE extension labeled FAST_VARIATION.

The FAST_VARIATION table contains four columns:

  • slit_name: the string “ANY”
  • nelem: integer, maximum number of wavelengths
  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength
  • data: float 1-D array, flat field values for each wavelength

The flat field values in this table are used to account for a wavelength-dependence on a much finer scale than given by the values in the SCI array. For each pixel in the science data, the wavelength of the light that fell on that pixel will be determined by using the WCS interface. The flat-field value for that pixel will then be obtained by interpolating within the wavelength and data arrays from the FAST_VARIATION table.

The DQ_DEF table contains the bit assignments used in the DQ arrays. The table contains the 4 columns:

  • BIT: integer value giving the bit number, starting at zero
  • VALUE: the equivalent base-10 integer value of BIT
  • NAME: the string mnemonic name of the data quality condition
  • DESCRIPTION: a string description of the condition

Spectrograph (SFLAT)

There are 3 types of SFLAT reference files: fixed slit, msa spec, and IFU. For each type the primary data array is assumed to be empty.

Fixed Slit

The fixed slit references files have EXP_TYPE=NRS_FIXEDSLIT, and have a BINTABLE extension labeled FAST_VARIATION. The table contains four columns:

  • slit_name: string, name of slit
  • nelem: integer, maximum number of wavelengths
  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength
  • data: float 1-D array, flat field values for each wavelength

The number of rows in the table is given by NAXIS2, and each row corresponds to a separate slit.

MSA Spec

The MSA Spec references files have EXP_TYPE=NRS_MSASPEC. There are 3 IMAGE extensions, a BINTABLE extension labeled WAVELENGTH, a BINTABLE extension labeled FAST_VARIATION, and a BINTABLE labeled DQ_DEF.

The IMAGE extensions have the following characteristics:

EXTNAME NAXIS Dimensions Data type
SCI 3 ncols x nrows x n_wl float
ERR 3 ncols x nrows x n_wl float
DQ 3 ncols x nrows x n_wl integer

The keyword NAXIS3 in these extensions specifies the number n_wl of monochromatic slices, each of which gives the flat_field value for every pixel for the corresponding wavelength, which is specified in the WAVELENGTH table.

The WAVELENGTH table contains a single column:

  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength

Each of these wavelength values corresponds to a single plane of the IMAGE arrays.

The FAST_VARIATION table contains four columns:

  • slit_name: the string “ANY”
  • nelem: integer, maximum number of wavelengths
  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength
  • data: float 1-D array, flat field values for each wavelength

The flat field values in this table are used to account for a wavelength-dependence on a much finer scale than given by the values in the SCI array. For each pixel in the science data, the wavelength of the light that fell on that pixel will be determined by using the WCS interface. The flat-field value for that pixel will then be obtained by interpolating within the wavelength and data arrays from the FAST_VARIATION table.

The DQ_DEF table contains the bit assignments used in the DQ array, and contains 4 columns:

  • BIT: integer value giving the bit number, starting at zero
  • VALUE: the equivalent base-10 integer value of BIT
  • NAME: the string mnemonic name of the data quality condition
  • DESCRIPTION: a string description of the condition

Detector (DFLAT)

There is only one type of DFLAT reference file, and it contains 3 IMAGE extensions, a BINTABLE extension labeled WAVELENGTH, a BINTABLE extension labeled FAST_VARIATION, and a BINTABLE labeled DQ_DEF.

The IMAGE extensions have the following characteristics:

EXTNAME NAXIS Dimensions Data type
SCI 3 ncols x nrows x n_wl float
ERR 3 ncols x nrows float
DQ 3 ncols x nrows integer

The keyword NAXIS3 in the SCI IMAGE extension specifies the number n_wl of monochromatic slices, each of which gives the flat_field value for every pixel for the corresponding wavelength, which is specified in the WAVELENGTH table.

The WAVELENGTH table contains a single column:

  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength

Each of these wavelength values corresponds to a single plane of the SCI IMAGE array.

The FAST_VARIATION table contains four columns:

  • slit_name: the string “ANY”
  • nelem: integer, maximum number of wavelengths
  • wavelength: float 1-D array, values of wavelength
  • data: float 1-D array, flat field values for each wavelength

The flat field values in this table are used to account for a wavelength-dependence on a much finer scale than given by the values in the SCI array. There is a single row in this table, as the same wavelength-dependent value is applied to all pixels.

The DQ_DEF table contains the bit assignments used in the DQ array, and contains 4 columns:

  • BIT: integer value giving the bit number, starting at zero
  • VALUE: the equivalent base-10 integer value of BIT
  • NAME: the string mnemonic name of the data quality condition
  • DESCRIPTION: a string description of the condition