Template file format

File types are described using a simple file format that vaguely resembles FITS headers.

Since it is necessary to create templates for several different flavors of data (FITSWriter, NIRSpec simulations, NIRCam homebrew etc) as well as different EXP_TYPEs that share many sections of data header but differ in other sections, the templates are divided into sections that are included. So a typical template for a particular flavor of data might look like this:

<<file nirspec_ifu_level1b>>
<<header primary>>
#include "level1b.gen.inc"
#include 'observation_identifiers.gen.inc'
#include 'exposure_parameters.gen.inc'
#include 'program_information.gen.inc'
#include 'observation_information.gen.inc'
#include 'visit_information.gen.inc'
#include 'exposure_information.gen.inc'
#include 'target_information.gen.inc'
#include 'exposure_times.gen.inc'
#include 'exposure_time_parameters.gen.inc'
#include 'subarray_parameters.gen.inc'
#include 'nirspec_configuration.gen.inc'
#include 'lamp_configuration.gen.inc'
#include 'guide_star_information.gen.inc'
#include 'jwst_ephemeris_information.gen.inc'
#include 'spacecraft_pointing_information.gen.inc'
#include 'aperture_pointing_information.gen.inc'
#include 'wcs_parameters.gen.inc'
#include 'velocity_aberration_correction.gen.inc'
#include 'nirspec_ifu_dither_pattern.gen.inc'
#include 'time_related.gen.inc'


<<header science>>
#include 'level1b_sci_extension_basic.gen.inc'

input[0].data.reshape((input[0].header['NINT'], \
                       input[0].header['NGROUP'], \
                       input[0].header['NAXIS2'], \
                       input[0].header['NAXIS1'])). \

<<header error>>

np.ones((input[0].header['NINT'], \
         input[0].header['NGROUP'], \
         input[0].header['NAXIS2'], \
         input[0].header['NAXIS1'])). \

<<header data_quality>>

np.zeros((input[0].header['NINT'], \
          input[0].header['NGROUP'], \
          input[0].header['NAXIS2'], \
          input[0].header['NAXIS1']), dtype='int16')

This has some regular generator syntax, but the bulk of the content comes from the #include directives.

By convention, templates have the extension gen.txt, while include files have the extension inc.

Basic syntax

Template files are in a line-based format.

Sections of the file are delimited with lines surrounded by << and >>. For example:

<<header primary>>

indicates the beginning of the primary header section.

Comments are lines beginning with #.

Lines can be continued by putting a backslash character (\) at the end of the line:

DETECTOR  = { 0x1e1: 'NIR', \
              0x1e2: 'NIR', \
              0x1ee: 'MIR', \
            }[input('SCA_ID')] / Detector type

Other files can be included using the include directive:

#include "other.file.txt"

Generator template

The generator template follows this basic structure:

  • file line
  • Zero or more HDUs, each of which has
    • a header section defining how keywords are generated
    • an optional data section defining how the data is converted

file line

The template must begin with a file line to give the file type a name. The name must be a valid Python identifier. For example:

<<file level1b>>


Each HDU is defined in two sections, the header and data.


The data section consists of a single expression that returns a Numpy array containing the output data.

The following are available in the namespace:

  • np: import numpy as np
  • input: A fits HDUList object containing the content of the input FITS file.
  • output: A fits HDUList object containing the content of the output FITS file. Note that the output FITS file may only be partially contructed. Importantly, higher-number HDUs will not yet exist.

A complete example

# This file defines the structure of a MIRI level 1b file
<<file miri_level1b>>
<<header primary>>
BITPIX    = 32
NAXIS     = 0
FILENAME  = '' / The filename
DATE      = now() / Date this file was generated

#include "level1a.gen.inc"

#include "level1b.gen.inc"

/ MIRI-specific keywords
FILTER    = '' / Filter element used
FLTSUITE  = '' / Flat field element used
WAVLNGTH  = '' / Wavelength requested in the exposure specification
GRATING   = '' / Grating/dichroic wheel position
LAMPON    = '' / Internal calibration lamp
CCCSTATE  = '' / Contamination control cover state

/ Exposure parameters
READPATT  = '' / Readout pattern
NFRAME    = 1 / Number of frames per read group
NSKIP     = 0 / Number of frames dropped
FRAME0    = 0 / zero-frame read
INTTIME   = 0 / Integration time
EXPTIME   = 0 / Exposure time
DURATION  = 0 / Total duration of exposure
OBJ_TYPE  = 'FAINT' / Object type

/ Subarray parameters
SUBARRAY  = '' / Name of subarray used
SUBXSTRT  = 0 / x-axis pixel number of subarray origin
SUBXSIZE  = 0 / length of subarray along x-axis
SUBTSTRT  = 0 / y-axis pixel number of subarray origin
SUBYSIZE  = 0 / length of subarray along y-axis
LIGHTCOL  = 0 / Number of light-sensitive columns


<<header science>>
XTENSION  = 'IMAGE' /        FITS extension type
BITPIX    =         /        bits per data value
NAXIS     =         /        number of data array dimensions
NAXIS1    =         /        length of first data axis (#columns)
NAXIS2    =         /        length of second data axis (#rows)
NAXIS3    =         /        length of third data axis (#groups/integration)
NAXIS4    =         /        length of fourth data axis (#integrations)
PCOUNT    = 0       /        number of parameter bytes following data table
GCOUNT    = 1       /        number of groups
EXTNAME   = 'SCI'   /        extension name
BSCALE    = 1.0     /        scale factor for array value to physical value
BZERO     = 32768   /        physical value for an array value of zero
BUNIT     = 'DN'    /        physical units of the data array values

input[0].data.reshape((input[0].header['NINT'], \
                       input[0].header['NGROUP'], \
                       input[0].header['NAXIS2'], \
                       input[0].header['NAXIS1'])). \