
class jwst.datamodels.MultiExtract1dImageModel(init=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jwst.datamodels.ReferenceFileModel

A data model for extract_1d reference images.

This model has a special member images that can be used to deal with each image separately. It behaves like a list:

>>> multiextr1d_img_model.images.append(ref_image_model)
>>> multiextr1d_img_model.images[0]

If init is a file name or an Extract1dImageModel instance, an empty Extract1dImageModel will be created and assigned to attribute images[0], and the data attribute from the input array or Extract1dImageModel will be copied to the first element of images.

Parameters:init (any) – Any of the initializers supported by DataModel.

Attributes Summary


Attributes Documentation

schema_url = 'multiextract1d.schema.yaml'