
class jwst.datamodels.MiriResolutionModel(init=None, resolving_power_table=None, psf_fwhm_alpha_table=None, psf_fwhm_beta_table=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: jwst.datamodels.ResolutionModel

A data model for MIRI Resolution reference files.

  • init (any) – Any of the initializers supported by ‘~jwst.datamodels.DataModel’
  • resolving_power_table (table) – A table containing resolving power of the MRS. THe table consist of 11 columns and 12 rows. Each row corresponds to a band. The columns give the name of band, central wavelength, and polynomial coefficeints (a,b,c) needed to obtain the limits and average value of the spectral resolution.
  • psf_fwhm_alpha_table (table) – A table with 5 columns. Column 1 gives the cutoff wavelength where the polynomials describing alpha FWHM change. Columns 2 and 3 give the polynomial cofficients (a,b) describing alpha FWHM for wavelengths shorter than cuttoff. Columns 4 and 5 give the polynomial coefficients (a,b) describing alpha FWHM for wavelengths longer than the cutoff.
  • psf_fwhm_beta_table (table) – A table with 5 columns. Column 1 gives the cutoff wavelength where the polynomials describing alpha FWHM change. Columns 2 and 3 give the polynomial cofficients (a,b) describing beta FWHM for wavelengths shorter than cuttoff. Columns 4 and 5 give the polynomial coefficients (a,b) describing beta FWHM for wavelengths longer than the cutoff.

Attributes Summary


Attributes Documentation

schema_url = 'miri_resolution.schema.yaml'