Source code for jwst.straylight.straylight_step

#! /usr/bin/env python

from ..stpipe import Step
from .. import datamodels
from . import straylight

__all__ = ["StraylightStep"]

[docs]class StraylightStep (Step): """ StraylightStep: Performs straylight correction image using a Mask file. """ spec = """ method = option('Nearest','ModShepard',default='ModShepard') #Algorithm method roi = float(default = 50.0) # Region of interest power = float(default = 1.0) # Power of weighting function """ reference_file_types = ['straymask']
[docs] def process(self, input): # Open the input data model with datamodels.IFUImageModel(input) as input_model: # check the data is MIRI data detector = input_model.meta.instrument.detector if detector == 'MIRIFUSHORT': if self.method == 'Nearest': # Get the name of the straylight reference file self.straylight_name = self.get_reference_file(input_model, 'straymask')'Using straylight reference file %s', self.straylight_name) # Check for a valid reference file if self.straylight_name == 'N/A': self.log.warning('No STRAYLIGHT reference file found') self.log.warning('Straylight step will be skipped') result = input_model.copy() result.meta.cal_step.straylight = 'SKIPPED' return result # Open the straylight mask ref file data model straylight_model = datamodels.StrayLightModel(self.straylight_name) result = straylight.correct_MRS(input_model, straylight_model) # Close the reference file and update the step status straylight_model.close() # ________________________________________________________________________________ if self.method == 'ModShepard': # going to use Regions file that is in the ASDF extension assign_wcs = input_model.meta.cal_step.assign_wcs if(assign_wcs != 'COMPLETE'): self.log.warning('Assign_WCS was not run on file, we need the information of the slice gap locations') raise ErrorNoAssignWCS("Assign WCS has not been run on file") det2ab = input_model.meta.wcs.get_transform('detector', 'alpha_beta') #det2ab is a RegionsSelector model slices = det2ab.label_mapper.mapper' Region of influence radius (pixels) %6.2f', self.roi)' Modified Shepard weighting power %5.2f', self.power) # Do the correction result = straylight.correct_mrs_modshepard(input_model, slices, self.roi, self.power) # ________________________________________________________________________________ result.meta.cal_step.straylight = 'COMPLETE' else: self.log.warning('Straylight correction not defined for detector %s', detector) self.log.warning('Straylight step will be skipped') result = input_model.copy() result.meta.cal_step.straylight = 'SKIPPED' return result
class ErrorNoAssignWCS(Exception): pass