Source code for jwst.stpipe.step

from functools import partial
import gc
from os.path import (
import sys

    from import fits
except ImportError:

from . import config_parser
from . import crds_client
from . import log
from . import utilities
from .. import __version_commit__, __version__
from ..associations.load_as_asn import (LoadAsAssociation, LoadAsLevel2Asn)
from ..associations.lib.format_template import FormatTemplate
from ..associations.lib.update_path import update_key_value
from ..datamodels import (DataModel, ModelContainer)
from ..datamodels import open as dm_open
from ..lib.suffix import remove_suffix

[docs]class Step(): """ Step """ spec = """ pre_hooks = string_list(default=list()) post_hooks = string_list(default=list()) output_file = output_file(default=None) # File to save output to. output_dir = string(default=None) # Directory path for output files output_ext = string(default='.fits') # Default type of output output_use_model = boolean(default=False) # When saving use `DataModel.meta.filename` output_use_index = boolean(default=True) # Append index. save_results = boolean(default=False) # Force save results skip = boolean(default=False) # Skip this step suffix = string(default=None) # Default suffix for output files search_output_file = boolean(default=True) # Use outputfile define in parent step input_dir = string(default=None) # Input directory """ # Reference types for both command line override # definition and reference prefetch reference_file_types = [] # Set to False in subclasses to skip prefetch, # but by default attempt to prefetch prefetch_references = True
[docs] @classmethod def merge_config(cls, config, config_file): return config
[docs] @classmethod def load_spec_file(cls, preserve_comments=False): spec = config_parser.get_merged_spec_file( cls, preserve_comments=preserve_comments) # Add arguments for all of the expected reference files for reference_file_type in cls.reference_file_types: override_name = crds_client.get_override_name(reference_file_type) spec[override_name] = 'string(default=None)' spec.inline_comments[override_name] = ( '# Override the {0} reference file'.format( reference_file_type)) return spec
[docs] @classmethod def print_configspec(cls, stream=sys.stdout): # Python2/3 issue: Python3 doesn't like bytes # going to stdout directly. if stream == sys.stdout: try: stream = sys.stdout.buffer except AttributeError: pass specfile = cls.load_spec_file(preserve_comments=True) specfile.write(stream)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_file(cls, config_file, parent=None, name=None): """ Create a step from a configuration file. Parameters ---------- config_file : path or readable file-like object The config file to load parameters from parent : Step instance, optional The parent step of this step. Used to determine a fully-qualified name for this step, and to determine the mode in which to run this step. name : str, optional If provided, use that name for the returned instance. If not provided, the following are tried (in order): - The `name` parameter in the config file - The filename of the config file - The name of returned class Returns ------- step : Step instance If the config file has a `class` parameter, the return value will be as instance of that class. The `class` parameter in the config file must specify a subclass of `cls`. If the configuration file has no `class` parameter, then an instance of `cls` is returned. Any parameters found in the config file will be set as member variables on the returned `Step` instance. """ config = config_parser.load_config_file(config_file) # If a file object was passed in, pass the file name along if hasattr(config_file, 'name'): config_file = step_class, name = cls._parse_class_and_name( config, parent, name, config_file) return step_class.from_config_section( config, parent=parent, name=name, config_file=config_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def from_cmdline(args): """ Create a step from a configuration file. Parameters ---------- args : list of str Commandline arguments Returns ------- step : Step instance If the config file has a `class` parameter, the return value will be as instance of that class. Any parameters found in the config file will be set as member variables on the returned `Step` instance. """ from . import cmdline return cmdline.step_from_cmdline(args)
@classmethod def _parse_class_and_name( cls, config, parent=None, name=None, config_file=None): if 'class' in config: step_class = utilities.import_class(config['class'], config_file=config_file) if not issubclass(step_class, cls): raise TypeError( "Configuration file does not match the " "expected step class. Expected {0}, " "got {1}".format(cls, step_class)) else: step_class = cls if not name: name = config.get('name') if not name: if isinstance(config_file, str): name = splitext(basename(config_file))[0] else: name = step_class.__name__ if 'name' in config: del config['name'] if 'class' in config: del config['class'] return step_class, name
[docs] @classmethod def from_config_section(cls, config, parent=None, name=None, config_file=None): """ Create a step from a configuration file fragment. Parameters ---------- config : configobj.Section instance The config file fragment containing parameters for this step only. parent : Step instance, optional The parent step of this step. Used to determine a fully-qualified name for this step, and to determine the mode in which to run this step. name : str, optional If provided, use that name for the returned instance. If not provided, try the following (in order): - The ``name`` parameter in the config file fragment - The name of returned class config_file : str, optional The path to the config file that created this step, if any. This is used to resolve relative file name parameters in the config file. Returns ------- step : instance of cls Any parameters found in the config file fragment will be set as member variables on the returned `Step` instance. """ if not name: if config.get('name'): name = config['name'] else: name = cls.__name__ if 'name' in config: del config['name'] if 'class' in config: del config['class'] if 'config_file' in config: del config['config_file'] spec = cls.load_spec_file() config = cls.merge_config(config, config_file) config_parser.validate( config, spec, root_dir=dirname(config_file or '')) if 'config_file' in config: del config['config_file'] if 'name' in config: del config['name'] return cls( name=name, parent=parent, config_file=config_file, _validate_kwds=False, **config)
def __init__(self, name=None, parent=None, config_file=None, _validate_kwds=True, **kws): """ Create a `Step` instance. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of the Step instance. Used in logging messages and in cache filenames. If not provided, one will be generated based on the class name. parent : Step instance, optional The parent step of this step. Used to determine a fully-qualified name for this step, and to determine the mode in which to run this step. config_file : str path, optional The path to the config file that this step was initialized with. Use to determine relative path names. **kws : dict Additional parameters to set. These will be set as member variables on the new Step instance. """ # Setup primary input self._reference_files_used = [] self._input_filename = None self._input_dir = None if _validate_kwds: spec = self.load_spec_file() kws = config_parser.config_from_dict( kws, spec, root_dir=dirname(config_file or '')) if name is None: name = self.__class__.__name__ = name if parent is None: self.qualified_name = '.'.join([ log.STPIPE_ROOT_LOGGER,]) else: self.qualified_name = '.'.join([ parent.qualified_name,]) self.parent = parent # Set the parameters as member variables for (key, val) in kws.items(): setattr(self, key, val) # Create a new logger for this step self.log = log.getLogger(self.qualified_name) self.log.setLevel(log.logging.DEBUG) # Log the fact that we have been init-ed.'{0} instance created.'.format(self.__class__.__name__)) # Store the config file path so filenames can be resolved # against it. self.config_file = config_file # Setup the hooks if len(self.pre_hooks) or len(self.post_hooks): from . import hooks self._pre_hooks = hooks.get_hook_objects( self, 'pre', self.pre_hooks ) self._post_hooks = hooks.get_hook_objects( self, 'post', self.post_hooks ) else: self._pre_hooks = [] self._post_hooks = [] def _check_args(self, args, discouraged_types, msg): if discouraged_types is None: return if type(args) not in (list, tuple): args = [args] for i, arg in enumerate(args): if isinstance(arg, discouraged_types): self.log.error( "{0} {1} object. Use jwst.datamodels instead.".format( msg, i))
[docs] def run(self, *args): """ Run handles the generic setup and teardown that happens with the running of each step. The real work that is unique to each step type is done in the `process` method. """ from .. import datamodels gc.collect() # Make generic log messages go to this step's logger orig_log = log.delegator.log log.delegator.log = self.log step_result = None 'Step {0} running with args {1}.'.format(, args)) if len(args): self.set_primary_input(args[0]) try: # prefetch truly occurs at the Pipeline (or subclass) level. if ( len(args) and len(self.reference_file_types) and not self.skip and self.prefetch_references ): self._precache_references(args[0]) # Default output file configuration if self.output_file is not None: self.save_results = True if self.suffix is None: self.suffix = self.default_suffix() hook_args = args for pre_hook in self._pre_hooks: hook_results =*hook_args) if hook_results is not None: hook_args = hook_results args = hook_args self._reference_files_used = [] # Warn if passing in objects that should be # discouraged. self._check_args(args, DISCOURAGED_TYPES, "Passed") # Run the Step-specific code. if self.skip:'Step skipped.') step_result = args[0] else: try: step_result = self.process(*args) except TypeError as e: if "process() takes exactly" in str(e): raise TypeError( "Incorrect number of arguments to step" ) raise # Warn if returning a discouraged object self._check_args(step_result, DISCOURAGED_TYPES, "Returned") # Run the post hooks for post_hook in self._post_hooks: hook_results = if hook_results is not None: step_result = hook_results # Update meta information if not isinstance( step_result, (list, tuple, datamodels.ModelContainer) ): results = [step_result] else: results = step_result if len(self._reference_files_used): for result in results: if isinstance(result, datamodels.DataModel): for ref_name, filename in self._reference_files_used: if hasattr(result.meta.ref_file, ref_name): getattr(result.meta.ref_file, ref_name).name = filename result.meta.ref_file.crds.sw_version = crds_client.get_svn_version() result.meta.ref_file.crds.context_used = crds_client.get_context_used() self._reference_files_used = [] # Mark versions for result in results: if isinstance(result, datamodels.DataModel): result.meta.calibration_software_revision = __version_commit__ result.meta.calibration_software_version = __version__ # Save the output file if one was specified if not self.skip and self.save_results: # Setup the save list. if not isinstance(step_result, (list, tuple)): results_to_save = [step_result] else: results_to_save = step_result for idx, result in enumerate(results_to_save): if len(results_to_save) <= 1: idx = None if isinstance(result, DataModel): self.save_model(result, idx=idx) elif hasattr(result, 'save'): try: output_path = self.make_output_path(idx=idx) except AttributeError: self.log.warning( '`save_results` has been requested,' ' but cannot determine filename.' ) self.log.warning( 'Specify an output file with `--output_file`' ' or set `--save_results=false`' ) else: 'Saving file {0}'.format(output_path) ), overwrite=True) 'Step {0} done'.format( finally: log.delegator.log = orig_log return step_result
__call__ = run
[docs] def process(self, *args): """ This is where real work happens. Every Step subclass has to override this method. The default behaviour is to raise a NotImplementedError exception. """ raise NotImplementedError('Steps have to override process().')
[docs] def resolve_file_name(self, file_name): """ Resolve a file name expressed relative to this Step's configuration file. """ return join(dirname(self.config_file or ''), file_name)
[docs] @classmethod def call(cls, *args, **kwargs): """ Creates and runs a new instance of the class. To set configuration parameters, pass a `config_file` path or keyword arguments. Keyword arguments override those in the specified `config_file`. Any positional `*args` will be passed along to the step's `process` method. Note: this method creates a new instance of `Step` with the given `config_file` if supplied, plus any extra `*args` and `**kwargs`. If you create an instance of a Step, set parameters, and then use this `call()` method, it will ignore previously-set parameters, as it creates a new instance of the class with only the `config_file`, `*args` and `**kwargs` passed to the `call()` method. If not used with a `config_file` or specific `*args` and `**kwargs`, it would be better to use the `run` method, which does not create a new instance but simply runs the existing instance of the `Step` class. """ if 'config_file' in kwargs: config_file = kwargs['config_file'] del kwargs['config_file'] config = config_parser.load_config_file(config_file) auto_cls, name = cls._parse_class_and_name(config) config.update(kwargs) instance = cls.from_config_section( config, name=name, config_file=config_file) else: instance = cls(**kwargs) return*args)
@property def input_dir(self): return self.search_attr('_input_dir', '') @input_dir.setter def input_dir(self, input_dir): self._input_dir = input_dir
[docs] def default_output_file(self, input_file=None): """Create a default filename based on the input name""" output_file = input_file if output_file is None or not isinstance(output_file, str): output_file = self.search_attr('_input_filename') if output_file is None: output_file = 'step_{}{}'.format(, self.output_ext ) return output_file
[docs] def default_suffix(self): """Return a default suffix based on the step""" return
[docs] def search_attr(self, attribute, default=None, parent_first=False): """Return first non-None attribute in step heirarchy Parameters ---------- attribute: str The attribute to retrieve default: obj If attribute is not found, the value to use parent_first: bool If `True`, allow parent definition to override step version Returns ------- value: obj Attribute value or `default` if not found """ if parent_first: try: value = self.parent.search_attr( attribute, parent_first=parent_first ) except AttributeError: value = None if value is None: value = getattr(self, attribute, default) return value else: value = getattr(self, attribute, None) if value is None: try: value = self.parent.search_attr(attribute) except AttributeError: pass if value is None: value = default return value
def _precache_references(self, input_file): """Because Step precaching precedes calls to get_reference_file() almost immediately, true precaching has been moved to Pipeline where the interleaving of precaching and Step processing is more of an issue. This null method is intended to be overridden in Pipeline by true precache operations and avoids having to override the more complex instead. """ pass
[docs] def get_ref_override(self, reference_file_type): """Determine and return any override for `reference_file_type`. Returns ------- override_filepath or None. """ override_name = crds_client.get_override_name(reference_file_type) path = getattr(self, override_name, None) return abspath(path) if path else path
[docs] def get_reference_file(self, input_file, reference_file_type): """ Get a reference file from CRDS. If the configuration file or commandline parameters override the reference file, it will be automatically used when calling this function. Parameters ---------- input_file : jwst.datamodels.ModelBase instance A model of the input file. Metadata on this input file will be used by the CRDS "bestref" algorithm to obtain a reference file. reference_file_type : string The type of reference file to retrieve. For example, to retrieve a flat field reference file, this would be 'flat'. Returns ------- reference_file : path of reference file, a string """ override = self.get_ref_override(reference_file_type) if override is not None: if override.strip() != "": self._reference_files_used.append( (reference_file_type, basename(override))) reference_name = override else: return "" else: reference_name = crds_client.get_reference_file( input_file, reference_file_type) if reference_name != "N/A": hdr_name = "crds://" + basename(reference_name) else: hdr_name = "N/A" self._reference_files_used.append( (reference_file_type, hdr_name)) return crds_client.check_reference_open(reference_name)
[docs] def reference_uri_to_cache_path(self, reference_uri): """Convert an abstract CRDS reference URI to an absolute file path in the CRDS cache. Reference URI's are typically output to dataset headers to record the reference files used. e.g. 'crds://jwst_miri_flat_0177.fits' --> '/grp/crds/cache/references/jwst/jwst_miri_flat_0177.fits' The CRDS cache is typically located relative to env var CRDS_PATH with default value /grp/crds/cache. See also """ return crds_client.reference_uri_to_cache_path(reference_uri)
[docs] def set_primary_input(self, obj, exclusive=True): """ Sets the name of the master input file and input directory. Used to generate output file names. Parameters ---------- obj: str or DataModel The object to base the name on. If a datamodel, use Datamodel.meta.filename. exclusive: bool If True, only set if an input name is not already used by a parent Step. Otherwise, always set. """ self._set_input_dir(obj, exclusive=exclusive) err_message = ( 'Cannot set master input file name from object' ' {}'.format(obj) ) parent_input_filename = self.search_attr('_input_filename') if not exclusive or parent_input_filename is None: if isinstance(obj, str): self._input_filename = obj elif isinstance(obj, DataModel): try: self._input_filename = obj.meta.filename except AttributeError: self.log.debug(err_message) else: self.log.debug(err_message)
[docs] def save_model(self, model, suffix=None, idx=None, output_file=None, force=False, format=None, **components): """ Saves the given model using the step/pipeline's naming scheme Parameters ---------- model : jwst.datamodels.Model instance The model to save. suffix : str The suffix to add to the filename. idx: object Index identifier. output_file: str Use this file name instead of what the Step default would be. force: bool Regardless of whether `save_results` is `False` and no `output_file` is specified, try saving. format: str The format of the file name. This is a format string that defines where `suffix` and the other components go in the file name. components: dict Other components to add to the file name. Returns ------- output_paths: [str[, ...]] List of output file paths the model(s) were saved in. """ if output_file is None or output_file == '': output_file = self.output_file # Check if saving is even specified. if not force and \ not self.save_results and \ not output_file: return if isinstance(model, ModelContainer): save_model_func = partial( self.save_model, suffix=suffix, force=force, format=format, **components ) output_path = path=output_file, save_model_func=save_model_func) else: if ( self.output_use_model or (output_file is None and not self.search_output_file) ): output_file = model.meta.filename idx = None output_path = self.make_output_path( basepath=output_file, suffix=suffix, idx=idx, name_format=format, **components ) )'Saved model in {}'.format(output_path)) return output_path
@property def make_output_path(self): """Return function that creates the output path""" make_output_path = self.search_attr( '_make_output_path' ) return partial(make_output_path, self) @staticmethod def _make_output_path( step, basepath=None, ext=None, suffix=None, name_format=None, component_format='', separator='_', **components ): """Create the output path Parameters ---------- step: Step The `Step` in question. basepath: str or None The basepath to use. If None, `output_file` is used. Only the basename component of the path is used. ext: str or None The extension to use. If none, `output_ext` is used. Can include the leading period or not. name_format: str or None The format string to use to form the base name. component_format: str Format to use for the components separator: str Separator to use between replacement components components: dict dict of string replacements. Returns ------- The fully qualified path name. Notes ----- The values found in the `components` dict are placed in the string where the "{components}" replacement field is specified. If there are more than one component, the components are separated by the `separator` string. """ if basepath is None and step.search_output_file: basepath = step.search_attr('output_file') if basepath is None: basepath = step.default_output_file() if name_format is None: name_format = '{basename}{components}{suffix_sep}{suffix}.{ext}' formatter = FormatTemplate( separator=separator, remove_unused=True ) basename, basepath_ext = splitext(split(basepath)[1]) if ext is None: ext = step.output_ext if ext is None and len(basepath_ext): ext = basepath_ext if ext.startswith('.'): ext = ext[1:] suffix = _get_suffix(suffix, step=step) suffix_sep = None if suffix is not None: basename, suffix_sep = remove_suffix(basename) if suffix_sep is None: suffix_sep = separator if len(components): component_str = formatter(component_format, **components) else: component_str = '' basename = formatter( name_format, basename=basename, suffix=suffix, suffix_sep=suffix_sep, ext=ext, components=component_str ) output_dir = step.search_attr('output_dir', default='') output_dir = expandvars(expanduser(output_dir)) full_output_path = join(output_dir, basename) return full_output_path
[docs] def closeout(self, to_close=None, to_del=None): """Close out step processing Parameters ---------- to_close: [object(, ...)] List of objects with a `close` method to execute The objects will also be deleted to_del: [object(, ...)] List of objects to simply delete Notes ----- Other operations, such as forced garbage collection will also be done. """ if to_close is None: to_close = [] if to_del is None: to_del = [] to_del += to_close for item in to_close: try: item.close() except Exception as exception: self.log.debug( 'Could not close "{}"' 'Reason:\n{}'.format(item, exception) ) for item in to_del: try: del item except NameError as error: self.log.debug("An error has occurred: %s", error) gc.collect()
[docs] def open_model(self, obj): """Open a datamodel Primarily a wrapper around `` to handle `Step` peculiarities Parameters ---------- obj: object The object to open Returns ------- datamodel: DataModel Object opened as a datamodel """ return dm_open(self.make_input_path(obj))
[docs] def make_input_path(self, file_path): """Create an input path for a given file path If `file_path` has no directory path, use `self.input_dir` as the directory path. Parameters ---------- file_path: str or obj The supplied file path to check and modify. If anything other than `str`, the object is simply passed back. Returns ------- full_path: str or obj File path using `input_dir` if the input had no directory path. """ full_path = file_path if isinstance(file_path, str): original_path, file_name = split(file_path) if not len(original_path): full_path = join(self.input_dir, file_name) return full_path
[docs] def load_as_level2_asn(self, obj): """Load object as an association Loads the specified object into a Level2 association. If necessary, prepend `Step.input_dir` to all members. Parameters ---------- obj: object Object to load as a Level2 association Returns ------- association: jwst.associations.lib.rules_level2_base.DMSLevel2bBase Association """ asn = LoadAsLevel2Asn.load(obj, basename=self.output_file) update_key_value(asn, 'expname', (), mod_func=self.make_input_path) return asn
[docs] def load_as_level3_asn(self, obj): """Load object as an association Loads the specified object into a Level3 association. If necessary, prepend `Step.input_dir` to all members. Parameters ---------- obj: object Object to load as a Level3 association Returns ------- association: jwst.associations.lib.rules_level3_base.DMS_Level3_Base Association """ asn = LoadAsAssociation.load(obj) update_key_value(asn, 'expname', (), mod_func=self.make_input_path) return asn
def _set_input_dir(self, input, exclusive=True): """Set the input directory If sufficient information is at hand, set a value for the attribute `input_dir`. Parameters ---------- input: str Input to determine path from. exclusive: bool If True, only set if an input directory is not already defined by a parent Step. Otherwise, always set. """ if not exclusive or self.search_attr('_input_dir') is None: try: if isfile(input): self.input_dir = split(input)[0] except Exception: # Not a file-checkable object. Ignore. pass
# ######### # Utilities # ######### def _get_suffix(suffix, step=None, default_suffix=None): """Retrieve either specified or pipeline-supplied suffix Parameters ---------- suffix: str or None Suffix to use if specified. step: Step or None The step to retrieve the suffux. default_suffix: str If the pipeline does not supply a suffix, use this. Returns ------- suffix: str or None Suffix to use """ if suffix is None and step is not None: suffix = step.search_attr('suffix') if suffix is None: suffix = default_suffix if suffix is None and step is not None: suffix = return suffix