Source code for jwst.mrs_imatch.mrs_imatch_step

#! /usr/bin/env python
JWST pipeline step for image intensity matching for MIRI images.

:Authors: Mihai Cara


import numpy as np

from .. stpipe import Step, cmdline
from .. import datamodels
from .. wiimatch.match import *

    from import bitfield_to_boolean_mask
    from import interpret_bit_flags
except ImportError:
    from import bitmask2mask as bitfield_to_boolean_mask
    from import interpret_bits_value as interpret_bit_flags

__all__ = ['MRSIMatchStep', 'apply_background_2d']

[docs]class MRSIMatchStep(Step): """ MRSIMatchStep: Subtraction or equalization of sky background in MIRI MRS science images. """ spec = """ # General sky matching parameters: bkg_degree = integer(min=0, default=1) # Degree of the polynomial for background fitting subtract = boolean(default=False) # subtract computed sky from 'images' cube data? """ reference_file_types = []
[docs] def process(self, images): all_models2d = datamodels.ModelContainer(images, persist=True) chm = {} for m in all_models2d: ch = if ch not in chm: chm[ch] = datamodels.ModelContainer() chm[ch].append(m) # check that channel combinations are reasonable, in particular that # a given channel does not appear in multiple channel lists. # For example, input image list cannot contain some images with # channel='12' and other images with channel='13' (channel 1 combines # with *both* 2 & 3). single_ch = {} for ch in chm.keys(): for c in map(int, list(ch)): if c in single_ch: raise ValueError("Channel '{:d}' appears in multiple " "combinations of channels.".format(c)) single_ch[c] = chm[ch] # At this moment running 'cube_skymatch' on images whose # background has been previously subtracted is not supported. # Raise an exception if background was subtracted: for m2d in chm.values(): self._check_background(m2d) # reset background in a separate loop after all checks passed: for m2d in chm.values(): self._reset_background(m2d) # check that 'degree' has the same length as the number of dimensions # in image arrays: if hasattr(self.bkg_degree, '__iter__'): if len(self.bkg_degree) != 3: raise ValueError("The length of 'bkg_degree' parameter must " "be 3 or 'bkg_degree' must be an integer.") degree = tuple([int(d) for d in self.bkg_degree]) else: intdeg = int(self.bkg_degree) degree = (intdeg, intdeg, intdeg) # match background for images from a single channel for c in sorted(single_ch.keys()): matched_models = _match_models(single_ch[c], channel=str(c), degree=degree) # subtract the background, if requested if self.subtract:'Subtracting background offsets from input images') for m in all_models2d: apply_background_2d(m) m.meta.background.subtracted = True # set step completion status in the input images for m in all_models2d: m.meta.cal_step.mrs_imatch = 'COMPLETE' return images
def _check_background(self, models): # see if 'cube_skymatch' step was previously run and raise # an exception as 'cube_skymatch' cannot be run twice on the # same data: for m in models: if m.meta.background.subtracted is None: if m.meta.background.level is not None: # report inconsistency: raise ValueError("Background level was set but the " "'subtracted' property is undefined " "(None).") elif m.meta.background.subtracted: raise ValueError("'cube_skymatch' step cannot be run on " "data whose background has been previously " "subtracted.") def _reset_background(self, models): for m in models: del m.meta.background
[docs]def apply_background_2d(model2d, channel=None, subtract=True): """ Apply (subtract or add back) background values computed from ``meta.background`` polynomials to 2D image data. This function modifies the input ``model2d``'s data. .. warning:: This function does not check whether background was previously applied to image data (through ``meta.background.subtracted``). .. warning:: This function does not modify input model's ``meta.background.subtracted`` attribute to indicate that background has been applied to model's data. User is responsible for setting ``meta.background.subtracted`` after background was applied to all channels. Partial application of background (i.e., to only *some channels* as opposite to *all* channels) is not recommended. Parameters ---------- model2d : `jwst.datamodels.image.ImageModel` A `jwst.datamodels.image.ImageModel` from whose data background needs to be subtracted (or added back). channel : str, int, list, None, optional This parameter indicates for which channel background values should be applied. An integer value is automatically converted to a string type. A string type input value indicates **a single** channel to which background should be applied. ``channel`` can also be a list of several string or integer single channel values. The default value of `None` indicates that background should be applied to all channels. subtract : bool, optional Indicates whether to subtract or add back background values to input model data. By default background is subtracted from data. """ mpolyinfo = model2d.meta.background.polynomial_info if channel is None: channel = [ for pi in mpolyinfo] for ch in channel: apply_background_2d(model2d, channel=ch, subtract=subtract) return if isinstance(channel, int): channel = str(channel) elif isinstance(channel, str): pass elif hasattr(channel, '__iter__'): available_channels = [ for pi in mpolyinfo] diff = sorted(set(map(str, channel)).difference(available_channels)) if len(diff) > 0: missing_channels = ', '.join(diff) raise ValueError("Background data for channel(s) '{}' not present " "in 2D model '{}'" .format(missing_channels, model2d.meta.filename)) for ch in channel: apply_background_2d(model2d, channel=ch, subtract=subtract) return else: raise TypeError("Unsupported 'channel' type") index = _find_channel_bkg_index(model2d, channel) if index is None: raise ValueError("Background data for channel '{}' not present in " "2D model '{}'" .format(channel, model2d.meta.filename)) # get may parameters of the background polynomial: bkgmeta = mpolyinfo[index] degree = tuple( degree_p1 = tuple((i + 1 for i in degree)) c = np.reshape(list(bkgmeta.coefficients), degree_p1) refpt = tuple(bkgmeta.refpoint) # get pixel grid for sky computations: x, y = _get_2d_pixgrid(model2d, channel) x = x.ravel() y = y.ravel() # convert to RA/DEC: r, d, l = model2d.meta.wcs(x.astype(dtype=np.float), y.astype(dtype=np.float)) # some pixels may be NaNs and so throw them out: m = np.logical_and( np.logical_and(np.isfinite(r), np.isfinite(d)), np.isfinite(l) ) x = x[m] y = y[m] r = r[m] d = d[m] l = l[m] # compute background values: r -= refpt[0] d -= refpt[1] l -= refpt[2] bkg = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval3d(r, d, l, c) # subtract background: if subtract:[y, x] -= bkg else:[y, x] += bkg
def _get_2d_pixgrid(model2d, channel): # TODO: the code in this function is experimental and most likely will # will need revising at a later time. At this moment, I was told we # cannot use WCS domain to find the range of pixel indices that # belong to a given channel. Therefore, for now we have this hardcoded # in this function. y, x = np.indices((1024, 512)) if channel in ['1', '3']: return (x + 4, y) else: return (x + 516, y) def _match_models(models, channel, degree, center=None, center_cs='image'): from .. cube_build import CubeBuildStep # create a list of cubes: cbs = CubeBuildStep() = str(channel) = 'ALL' cbs.single = True cube_models = cbs.process(models) if len(cube_models) != len(models): raise RuntimeError("The number of generated cube models does not " "match the number of input 2D images.") # retrieve WCS (all cubes must have identical WCS so we use the first): meta = cube_models[0].meta if hasattr(meta, 'wcs'): wcs = meta.wcs else: raise ValueError("Cubes build from input 2D images do not contain WCS." " Unable to proceed.") wcsinfo = meta.wcsinfo if hasattr(meta, 'wcsinfo') else None if wcsinfo is not None and (wcsinfo.crval1 is None or wcsinfo.crval2 is None or wcsinfo.crval3 is None): raise ValueError("'wcsinfo' cannot have its 'crvaln' set to None.") # set center of the coordinate system to CRVAL if available: if center is None and wcsinfo is not None: center = (wcsinfo.crval1, wcsinfo.crval2, wcsinfo.crval3) center_cs = 'world' # build lists of data, masks, and sigmas (weights) image_data = [] mask_data = [] sigma_data = [] for cm in cube_models: #TODO: at this time it is not clear that data should be weighted # by exptime the way it is done below and possibly should be # revised later. exptime = cm.meta.exposure.exposure_time if exptime is None: exptime = 1.0 # process weights and create masks: if not hasattr(cm, 'weightmap') or cm.weightmap is None: weights = np.ones_like(, dtype=np.float64) sigmas = weights / np.sqrt(exptime) mask = np.ones_like(weights, dtype=np.uint8) mask_data.append(mask) else: weights = cm.weightmap.copy() eps = np.finfo(weights.dtype).tiny bad_data = weights < eps weights[bad_data] = eps # in order to avoid runtime warnings sigmas = 1.0 / np.sqrt(exptime * weights) mask = np.logical_not(bad_data).astype(np.uint8) mask_data.append(mask) image_data.append( sigma_data.append(sigmas) bkg_poly_coef, mat, _, _, effc, cs = match_lsq( images=image_data, masks=mask_data, sigmas=sigma_data, degree=degree, center=center, image2world=wcs.__call__, center_cs=center_cs, ext_return=True ) if cs != 'world': raise RuntimeError("Unexpected coordinate system.") #TODO: try to identify if all images overlap #if nsubspace > 1: #self.log.warning("Not all cubes have been sky matched as " #"some of them do not overlap.") # save background info in 'meta' and subtract sky from 2D images # if requested: ##### # set 2D models' background meta info: for im, poly in zip(models, bkg_poly_coef): im.meta.background.subtracted = False im.meta.background.polynomial_info.append( { 'degree': degree, 'refpoint': center, 'coefficients': poly.ravel().tolist(), 'channel': channel } ) return models def _find_channel_bkg_index(model2d, channel): """ Return the index of the background subschema corrsponding to a given channel. """ channel = str(channel) index = None for k, m in enumerate(model2d.meta.background.polynomial_info): if == channel: index = k return index