Source code for jwst.datamodels.util

Various utility functions and data types

import sys
import warnings
from os.path import basename

import numpy as np
from import fits

import logging
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class NoTypeWarning(Warning):

[docs]def open(init=None, extensions=None, **kwargs): """ Creates a DataModel from a number of different types Parameters ---------- init : shape tuple, file path, file object,, numpy array, dict, None - None: A default data model with no shape - shape tuple: Initialize with empty data of the given shape - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS , JSON or ASDF) - readable file object: Initialize from the given file object - Initialize from the given `` - A numpy array: A new model with the data array initialized to what was passed in. - dict: The object model tree for the data model extensions : list of AsdfExtension A list of extensions to the ASDF to support when reading and writing ASDF files. Returns ------- model : DataModel instance """ from . import model_base from . import filetype # Initialize variables used to select model class hdulist = {} shape = () file_name = None file_to_close = None # Get special cases for opening a model out of the way # all special cases return a model if they match if init is None: return model_base.DataModel(None) elif isinstance(init, model_base.DataModel): # Copy the object so it knows not to close here return init.__class__(init) elif isinstance(init, (str, bytes)) or hasattr(init, "read"): # If given a string, presume its a file path. # if it has a read method, assume a file descriptor if isinstance(init, bytes): init = init.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) file_name = basename(init) file_type = filetype.check(init) if file_type == "fits": hdulist = file_to_close = hdulist elif file_type == "asn": # Read the file as an association / model container from . import container return container.ModelContainer(init, extensions=extensions, **kwargs) elif file_type == "asdf": # Read the file as asdf, no need for a special class return model_base.DataModel(init, extensions=extensions, **kwargs) elif isinstance(init, tuple): for item in init: if not isinstance(item, int): raise ValueError("shape must be a tuple of ints") shape = init elif isinstance(init, np.ndarray): shape = init.shape elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList): hdulist = init # If we have it, determine the shape from the science hdu if hdulist: # So we don't need to open the image twice init = hdulist try: hdu = hdulist[('SCI', 1)] except (KeyError, NameError): shape = () else: if hasattr(hdu, 'shape'): shape = hdu.shape else: shape = () # First try to get the class name from the primary header new_class = _class_from_model_type(hdulist) has_model_type = new_class is not None # Special handling for ramp files for backwards compatibility if new_class is None: new_class = _class_from_ramp_type(hdulist, shape) # Or get the class from the reference file type and other header keywords if new_class is None: new_class = _class_from_reftype(hdulist, shape) # Or Get the class from the shape if new_class is None: new_class = _class_from_shape(hdulist, shape) # Throw an error if these attempts were unsuccessful if new_class is None: raise TypeError("Can't determine datamodel class from argument to open") # Log a message about how the model was opened if file_name: log.debug('Opening {0} as {1}'.format(file_name, new_class)) else: log.debug('Opening as {0}'.format(new_class)) # Actually open the model model = new_class(init, extensions=extensions, **kwargs) if not has_model_type: class_name = new_class.__name__.split('.')[-1] if file_name: errmsg = \ "model_type not found. Opening {} as a {}".format(file_name, class_name) else: errmsg = \ "model_type not found. Opening model as a {}".format(class_name) warnings.warn(errmsg, NoTypeWarning) try: delattr(model.meta, 'model_type') except AttributeError: pass # Close the hdulist if we opened it if file_to_close is not None: model._files_to_close.append(file_to_close) return model
def _class_from_model_type(hdulist): """ Get the model type from the primary header, lookup to get class """ from . import _defined_models as defined_models if hdulist: primary = hdulist[0] model_type = primary.header.get('DATAMODL') if model_type is None: new_class = None else: new_class = defined_models.get(model_type) else: new_class = None return new_class def _class_from_ramp_type(hdulist, shape): """ Special check to see if file is ramp file """ if not hdulist: new_class = None else: if len(shape) == 4: try: hdulist['DQ'] except KeyError: # It's a RampModel or MIRIRampModel try: hdulist['REFOUT'] except KeyError: # It's a RampModel from . import ramp new_class = ramp.RampModel else: # It's a MIRIRampModel from . import miri_ramp new_class = miri_ramp.MIRIRampModel else: new_class = None else: new_class = None return new_class def _class_from_reftype(hdulist, shape): """ Get the class name from the reftype and other header keywords """ if not hdulist: new_class = None else: primary = hdulist[0] reftype = primary.header.get('REFTYPE') if reftype is None: new_class = None else: from . import reference if len(shape) == 0: new_class = reference.ReferenceFileModel elif len(shape) == 2: new_class = reference.ReferenceImageModel elif len(shape) == 3: new_class = reference.ReferenceCubeModel elif len(shape) == 4: new_class = reference.ReferenceQuadModel else: new_class = None return new_class def _class_from_shape(hdulist, shape): """ Get the class name from the shape """ if len(shape) == 0: from . import model_base new_class = model_base.DataModel elif len(shape) == 4: from . import quad new_class = quad.QuadModel elif len(shape) == 3: from . import cube new_class = cube.CubeModel elif len(shape) == 2: try: hdulist[('SCI', 2)] except (KeyError, NameError): # It's an ImageModel from . import image new_class = image.ImageModel else: # It's a MultiSlitModel from . import multislit new_class = multislit.MultiSlitModel else: new_class = None return new_class def can_broadcast(a, b): """ Given two shapes, returns True if they are broadcastable. """ for i in range(1, min(len(a), len(b)) + 1): adim = a[-i] bdim = b[-i] if not (adim == 1 or bdim == 1 or adim == bdim): return False return True def to_camelcase(token): return ''.join(x.capitalize() for x in token.split('_-')) def gentle_asarray(a, dtype): """ Performs an asarray that doesn't cause a copy if the byteorder is different. It also ignores column name differences -- the resulting array will have the column names from the given dtype. """ out_dtype = np.dtype(dtype) if isinstance(a, np.ndarray): in_dtype = a.dtype # Non-table array if in_dtype.fields is None and out_dtype.fields is None: if np.can_cast(in_dtype, out_dtype, 'equiv'): return a else: return np.asanyarray(a, dtype=out_dtype) elif in_dtype.fields is not None and out_dtype.fields is not None: if in_dtype == out_dtype: return a if len(in_dtype) != len(out_dtype): raise ValueError( "Wrong number of columns. Expected {0}, got {1}".format( len(out_dtype), len(in_dtype))) new_dtype = [] # Change the dtype name to match the fits record names # as the mismatch causes case insensitive access to fail if hasattr(in_dtype, 'names') and hasattr(out_dtype, 'names'): out_dtype.names = in_dtype.names for i in range(len(out_dtype.fields)): in_type = in_dtype[i] out_type = out_dtype[i] if in_type.subdtype is None: type_str = in_type.str else: type_str = in_type.subdtype[0].str if np.can_cast(in_type, out_type, 'equiv'): new_dtype.append( (out_dtype.names[i], type_str, in_type.shape)) else: return np.asanyarray(a, dtype=out_dtype) return a.view(dtype=np.dtype(new_dtype)) else: return np.asanyarray(a, dtype=out_dtype) else: try: a = np.asarray(a, dtype=out_dtype) except: raise ValueError("Can't convert {0!s} to ndarray".format(type(a))) return a def get_short_doc(schema): title = schema.get('title', None) description = schema.get('description', None) if description is None: description = title or '' else: if title is not None: description = title + '\n\n' + description return description.partition('\n')[0] def ensure_ascii(s): if isinstance(s, bytes): s = s.decode('ascii') return s def create_history_entry(description, software=None): """ Create a HistoryEntry object. Parameters ---------- description : str Description of the change. software : dict or list of dict A description of the software used. It should not include asdf itself, as that is automatically notated in the `asdf_library` entry. Each dict must have the following keys: ``name``: The name of the software ``author``: The author or institution that produced the software ``homepage``: A URI to the homepage of the software ``version``: The version of the software Examples -------- >>> soft = {'name': 'jwreftools', 'author': 'STSCI', 'homepage': '', 'version': "0.7"} >>> entry = create_history_entry(description="HISTORY of this file", software=soft) """ from asdf.tags.core import Software, HistoryEntry import datetime if isinstance(software, list): software = [Software(x) for x in software] elif software is not None: software = Software(software) entry = HistoryEntry({ 'description': description, 'time': datetime.datetime.utcnow() }) if software is not None: entry['software'] = software return entry