Source code for jwst.assign_wcs.nircam

import logging

from astropy import coordinates as coord
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.modeling.models import Identity, Const1D, Mapping
import gwcs.coordinate_frames as cf

from . import pointing
from .util import not_implemented_mode, subarray_transform
from ..datamodels import (ImageModel, NIRCAMGrismModel, DistortionModel,
from ..transforms.models import (NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion,

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["create_pipeline", "imaging", "tsgrism", "wfss"]

[docs]def create_pipeline(input_model, reference_files): """ Create the WCS pipeline based on EXP_TYPE. """ exp_type = input_model.meta.exposure.type.lower() pipeline = exp_type2transform[exp_type](input_model, reference_files) return pipeline
[docs]def imaging(input_model, reference_files): """ The NIRCAM imaging WCS pipeline. It includes three coordinate frames - "detector", "v2v3" and "world". It uses the "distortion" reference file. """ detector = cf.Frame2D(name='detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix)) v2v3 = cf.Frame2D(name='v2v3', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec)) world = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(), name='world') subarray2full = subarray_transform(input_model) imdistortion = imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files) distortion = subarray2full | imdistortion distortion.bounding_box = imdistortion.bounding_box del imdistortion.bounding_box tel2sky = pointing.v23tosky(input_model) pipeline = [(detector, distortion), (v2v3, tel2sky), (world, None)] return pipeline
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files): """ Create the "detector" to "v2v3" transform. """ dist = DistortionModel(reference_files['distortion']) transform = dist.model try: bb = transform.bounding_box except NotImplementedError: shape = # Note: Since bounding_box is attached to the model here # it's in reverse order. """ A CubeModel is always treated as a stack (in dimension 1) of 2D images, as opposed to actual 3D data. In this case the bounding box is set to the 2nd and 3rd dimension. """ if isinstance(input_model, CubeModel): bb = ((-0.5, shape[1] - 0.5), (-0.5, shape[2] - 0.5)) elif isinstance(input_model, ImageModel): bb = ((-0.5, shape[0] - 0.5), (-0.5, shape[1] - 0.5)) else: raise TypeError("Input is not an ImageModel or CubeModel") transform.bounding_box = bb dist.close() return transform
[docs]def tsgrism(input_model, reference_files): """Create WCS pipeline for a NIRCAM Time Series Grism observation. Parameters ---------- input_model: jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel The input datamodel, derived from datamodels reference_files: dict Dictionary {reftype: reference file name}. Notes ----- The TSGRISM mode should function effectively like the grism mode except that subarrays will be allowed. Since the transform models depend on the original full frame coordinates of the observation, the regular grism transforms will need to be shifted to the full frame coordinates around the trace transform. TSGRISM is only slated to work with GRISMR and Mod A """ # The input is the grism image if not isinstance(input_model, CubeModel): raise TypeError('The input data model must be a CubeModel.') # make sure this is a grism image if "NRC_TSGRISM" != input_model.meta.exposure.type: raise TypeError('The input exposure is not a NIRCAM time series grism') if input_model.meta.instrument.module != "A": raise ValueError('NRC_TSGRISM mode only supports module A') if input_model.meta.instrument.pupil != "GRISMR": raise ValueError('NRC_TSGRIM mode only supports GRISMR') gdetector = cf.Frame2D(name='grism_detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix)) detector = cf.Frame2D(name='full_detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix)) v2v3 = cf.Frame2D(name='v2v3', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.deg, u.deg)) world = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(), name='world') # translate the x,y detector-in to x,y detector out coordinates # Get the disperser parameters which are defined as a model for each # spectral order with NIRCAMGrismModel(reference_files['specwcs']) as f: displ = f.displ dispx = f.dispx dispy = f.dispy invdispx = f.invdispx invdispl = f.invdispl orders = f.orders # now create the appropriate model for the grismr det2det = NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=displ, xmodels=invdispx, ymodels=dispy) det2det.inverse = NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=invdispl, xmodels=dispx, ymodels=dispy) # input into the forward transform is x,y,x0,y0,order # where x,y is the pixel location in the grism image # and x0,y0 is the source location in the "direct" image # For this mode, the source is always at crpix1,crpis2 # discussion with nadia that wcsinfo might not be available # here but crpix info could be in wcs.source_location or similar # TSGRISM mode places the sources at crpix, and all subarrays # begin at 0,0, so no need to translate the crpix to full frame # because they already are in full frame coordinates. xc, yc = (input_model.meta.wcsinfo.crpix1, input_model.meta.wcsinfo.crpix2) xcenter = Const1D(xc) xcenter.inverse = Const1D(xc) ycenter = Const1D(yc) ycenter.inverse = Const1D(yc) setra = Const1D(input_model.meta.wcsinfo.crval1) setra.inverse = Const1D(input_model.meta.wcsinfo.crval1) setdec = Const1D(input_model.meta.wcsinfo.crval2) setdec.inverse = Const1D(input_model.meta.wcsinfo.crval2) # x, y, order in goes to transform to full array location and order # get the shift to full frame coordinates sub2full = subarray_transform(input_model) & Identity(1) sub2direct = (sub2full | Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1, 2)) | (Identity(2) & xcenter & ycenter & Identity(1)) | det2det) # take us from full frame detector to v2v3 distortion = imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files) & Identity(2) # v2v3 to the sky # remap the tel2sky inverse as well since we can feed it the values of # crval1, crval2 which correspond to crpix1, crpix2. This leaves # us with a calling structure: # (x, y, order) <-> (wavelength, order) tel2sky = pointing.v23tosky(input_model) & Identity(2) t2skyinverse = tel2sky.inverse newinverse = Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | setra & setdec & Identity(2) | t2skyinverse tel2sky.inverse = newinverse pipeline = [(gdetector, sub2direct), (detector, distortion), (v2v3, tel2sky), (world, None)] return pipeline
[docs]def wfss(input_model, reference_files): """ Create the WCS pipeline for a NIRCAM grism observation. Parameters ---------- input_model: jwst.datamodels.ImagingModel The input datamodel, derived from datamodels reference_files: dict Dictionary {reftype: reference file name}. Notes ----- The tree in the grism reference file has a section for each order/beam not sure if there will be a separate passband reference file needed for the wavelength scaling or wedge offsets. This helper is currently in jwreftools/nircam/nircam_reftools. The direct image the catalog has been created from was corrected for distortion, but the dispersed images have not. This is OK if the trace and dispersion solutions are defined with respect to the distortion-corrected image. The catalog from the combined direct image has object locations in in detector space and the RA DEC of the object on sky. The WCS information for the grism image plus the observed filter will be used to translate these to pixel locations for each of the objects. The grism images will then use their grism trace information to translate to detector space. The translation is assumed to be one-to-one for purposes of identifying the center of the object trace. The extent of the trace for each object can then be calculated based on the grism in use (row or column). Where the left/bottom of the trace starts at t = 0 and the right/top of the trace ends at t = 1, as long as they have been defined as such by th team. The extraction box is calculated to be the minimum bounding box of the object extent in the segmentation map associated with the direct image. The values of the min and max corners are saved in the photometry catalog in units of RA,DEC so they can be translated to pixels by the dispersed image's imaging wcs. For each spectral order, the configuration file contains a magnitude-cutoff value. Sources with magnitudes fainter than the extraction cutoff (MMAG_EXTRACT) will not be extracted, but are accounted for when computing the spectral contamination and background estimates. The default extraction value is 99 right now. The sensitivity information from the original aXe style configuration file needs to be modified by the passband of the filter used for the direct image to get the min and max wavelengths which correspond to t=0 and t=1, this currently has been done by the team and the min and max wavelengths to use to calculate t are stored in the grism reference file as wavelengthrange, which can be selected by waverange_selector which contains the filter names. All the following was moved to the extract_2d stage. Step 1: Convert the source catalog from the reference frame of the uberimage to that of the dispersed image. For the Vanilla Pipeline we assume that the pointing information in the file headers is sufficient. This will be strictly true if all images were obtained in a single visit (same guide stars). Step 2: Record source information for each object in the catalog: position (RA and Dec), shape (A_IMAGE, B_IMAGE, THETA_IMAGE), and all available magnitudes. Step 3: Compute the trace and wavelength solutions for each object in the catalog and for each spectral order. Record this information. Step 4: Compute the WIDTH of each spectral subwindow, which may be fixed or variable (see discussion of optimal extraction, below). Record this information. Catalog and associated steps moved to extract_2d. """ # The input is the grism image if not isinstance(input_model, ImageModel): raise TypeError('The input data model must be an ImageModel.') # make sure this is a grism image if "NRC_WFSS" not in input_model.meta.exposure.type: raise TypeError('The input exposure is not a NIRCAM grism') # Create the empty detector as a 2D coordinate frame in pixel units gdetector = cf.Frame2D(name='grism_detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix)) # translate the x,y detector-in to x,y detector out coordinates # Get the disperser parameters which are defined as a model for each # spectral order with NIRCAMGrismModel(reference_files['specwcs']) as f: displ = f.displ dispx = f.dispx dispy = f.dispy invdispx = f.invdispx invdispy = f.invdispy invdispl = f.invdispl orders = f.orders # now create the appropriate model for the grism[R/C] if "GRISMR" in input_model.meta.instrument.pupil: det2det = NIRCAMForwardRowGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=displ, xmodels=invdispx, ymodels=dispy) elif "GRISMC" in input_model.meta.instrument.pupil: det2det = NIRCAMForwardColumnGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=displ, xmodels=dispx, ymodels=invdispy) det2det.inverse = NIRCAMBackwardGrismDispersion(orders, lmodels=invdispl, xmodels=dispx, ymodels=dispy) # create the pipeline to construct a WCS object for the whole image # which can translate ra,dec to image frame reference pixels # it also needs to be part of the grism image wcs pipeline to # go from detector to world coordinates. However, the grism image # will be effectively translating pixel->world coordinates in a # manner that gives you the originating 'imaging' pixels ra and dec, # not the ra/dec on the sky from the pointing wcs of the grism image. image_pipeline = imaging(input_model, reference_files) # input is (x,y,x0,y0,order) -> x0, y0, wave, order # x0, y0 is in the image-detector reference frame already # and are fed to the wcs to calculate the ra,dec, pix offsets # and order are used to calculate the wavelength of the pixel grism_pipeline = [(gdetector, det2det)] # pass the x0,y0, wave, order, through the pipeline imagepipe = [] world = image_pipeline.pop() for cframe, trans in image_pipeline: trans = trans & (Identity(2)) imagepipe.append((cframe, trans)) imagepipe.append((world)) grism_pipeline.extend(imagepipe) return grism_pipeline
exp_type2transform = {'nrc_image': imaging, 'nrc_wfss': wfss, 'nrc_tacq': imaging, 'nrc_taconfirm': imaging, 'nrc_coron': imaging, 'nrc_focus': imaging, 'nrc_tsimage': imaging, 'nrc_tsgrism': tsgrism, 'nrc_led': not_implemented_mode, 'nrc_dark': not_implemented_mode, 'nrc_flat': not_implemented_mode, }