Source code for jwst.assign_wcs.fgs

FGS WCS pipeline - depends on EXP_TYPE.
import logging

from astropy import units as u
from astropy import coordinates as coord
from gwcs import coordinate_frames as cf

from .util import not_implemented_mode, subarray_transform
from . import pointing
from ..datamodels import (DistortionModel, ImageModel, CubeModel)

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["create_pipeline", "imaging"]

[docs]def create_pipeline(input_model, reference_files): """ Create a ``gWCS.pipeline`` using models from reference files. Parameters ---------- input_model : jwst.datamodels.DataModel Either an ImageModel or a CubeModel reference_files : dict {reftype: file_name} mapping. Reference files. """ exp_type = input_model.meta.exposure.type.lower() pipeline = exp_type2transform[exp_type](input_model, reference_files)"Creating a FGS {0} pipeline with references {1}".format( exp_type, reference_files)) return pipeline
[docs]def imaging(input_model, reference_files): """ The FGS imaging WCS pipeline. It includes 3 coordinate frames - "detector", "v2v3" and "world". Uses a ``distortion`` reference file. """ detector = cf.Frame2D(name='detector', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.pix, u.pix)) v2v3 = cf.Frame2D(name='v2v3', axes_order=(0, 1), unit=(u.arcsec, u.arcsec)) world = cf.CelestialFrame(name='world', reference_frame=coord.ICRS()) # Crete the v2v3 to sky transform. tel2sky = pointing.v23tosky(input_model) # If subarray, ceate an offset transform to be prepended to the distortion. subarray2full = subarray_transform(input_model) if reference_files: imdistortion = imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files) distortion = subarray2full | imdistortion # If the bounding box is saved in the model, move it to the first transform. distortion.bounding_box = imdistortion.bounding_box del imdistortion.bounding_box else: distortion = subarray2full pipeline = [(detector, distortion), (v2v3, tel2sky), (world, None)] return pipeline
def imaging_distortion(input_model, reference_files): """ Create the transform from "detector" to "v2v3". """ dist = DistortionModel(reference_files['distortion']) transform = dist.model # Get the ``bounding_box`` from the transform in the reference file. # If not set a ``bounding_box`` equal to the size of the image. try: bb = transform.bounding_box except NotImplementedError: shape = # Note: Since bounding_box is attached to the model here # it's in reverse order. """ A CubeModel is always treated as a stack (in dimension 1) of 2D images, as opposed to actual 3D data. In this case the bounding box is set to the 2nd and 3rd dimension. """ if isinstance(input_model, CubeModel): bb = ((-0.5, shape[1] - 0.5), (-0.5, shape[2] - 0.5)) elif isinstance(input_model, ImageModel): bb = ((-0.5, shape[0] - 0.5), (-0.5, shape[1] - 0.5)) else: raise TypeError("Input is not an ImageModel or CubeModel") transform.bounding_box = bb dist.close() return transform # EXP_TYPE to function mapping. # The function creates the WCS pipeline. exp_type2transform = {'fgs_image': imaging, 'fgs_focus': imaging, 'fgs_skyflat': not_implemented_mode, 'fgs_intflat': not_implemented_mode, 'fgs_dark': not_implemented_mode }